Subject: Law--China--History

Jianming falü cidian 簡明法律辭典
AuthorJianming falü cidian bianxiezu 簡明法律辭典編寫組Ding Huanchun 丁煥春, fl. 1982-1990Tang Yongchan 唐永禪, 1926-Zhang Ruolong 章若龍, 1925-
PlaceWuhan 武漢
PublisherHubei renmin chubanshe 湖北人民出版社
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
Edition第1版, 第1次印刷
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
Call NumberKNQ26.J516 D564 1982
Description[2], 19, 360 p. : ill., tables ; 20 cm.
NoteJianming falü cidian 簡明法律辭典 : 附錄: Zhongguo lishi shang zhuyao fagui nianbiao 中國歷史上主要法規年表 / "Jianming falü cidian bianxiezu 簡明法律辭典"編寫組 ; zhubian Ding Huanchun, Tang Yongchan, Zhang Ruolong 主編丁煥春, 唐永禪, 章若龍 ; zhuan’gaoren Ding Huanchun 撰稿人丁煥春 ... 等.
Law and society in traditional China . [Zhongguo falü yu Zhongguo shehui 中國法律與中國社會. English]
AuthorCh'ü T'ung-tsu [Qu Tongzu 瞿同祖], 1910-2008
PlaceTaibei Shi 臺北市
PublisherRainbow-Bridge Book Co. 虹橋書店
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC]
SeriesLe monde d'outre-mer, passé et présent. 1. sér. : Études ; 4
ShelfStacks [ASCC]
Call NumberDS721.T834 1973
Description310 p. ; 21 cm.

Law and society in traditional China / T'ung-Tsu Ch'ü.
Revised photomechanical reprint of the first edition 1961.
Revised reprint of the 1961 ed. published by Mouton, Paris, which was issued as no. 4 of Le Monde d'outre-mer, passé et présent: 1. série, Études.
Original edition published in 1947 under title: Zhongguo falü yu Zhongguo shehui 中國法律與中國社會.
Chinese title varies from original source: 傳統中國之法律與社會.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [290]-306) and index.
民國62 [1973].

Lidai xingfazhi 歷代刑法志
AuthorQiu Hanping 丘漢平, 1904-
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherQunzhong chubanshe 羣眾出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberKQK .L5 1988
Description1, 3, 593 p. ; 21 cm
NoteLidaixing fazhi 歷代刑法志 / Qiu Hanping bianzhu 丘漢平編著 ; Qunzhong chubanshe bianjibu zhu 羣眾出版社編輯部著.
Includes bibliographical references.
"Benshe cengyu 1962 nianjiang Shangwu yinshuguan chuban de Lishi xingfazhi 1938 fanyinban. Ju ershisishi dianjiaoben 本社曾於1962年將商務印書館出版的歷史刑法志1938翻印版. 據二十四史點校本”--pref.
Liyun shuwu congke 勵耘書屋叢刻
AuthorChen Yuan 陳垣, 1880-1971
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherBeijing shifan daxue chubanshe 北京師範大學出版社
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberAC149.C433 1982
Description3 v. (2536 p.) ; 20 cm.
NoteLiyun shuwu congke 勵耘書屋叢刻 / Chen Yuan zhu 陳垣著.
Reprint. "Ju Liyun shuwu Minguo niansannian keban 劇勵耘書屋民國廿三年[1934]刻版"--verso t.p.
Includes bibliographies.
Contents: Yuan Xiyuren Huahua kao 元西域人華化考 -- Yuan dianzhang jiaobu 元典章校補 -- Yuan dianzhang jiaobu shili 元典章校補釋例 -- Shihui juli 史諱舉例 -- Jiu Wudaishi jiben fafu 舊五代史輯本發覆 -- Wu Yushan xiansheng nianpu 吳漁山先生年譜 -- Shishi yinianlu 釋氏疑年錄 -- Qingchu seng zhengji 清初僧諍記.
Writing and law in late Imperial China : crime, conflict, and judgment
AuthorHegel, Robert E., 1943-Carlitz, Katherine
PublisherUniversity of Washington Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
SeriesAsian law series ; no. 18
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberKNN440.W75 2007e
Descriptionpdf. [xv, 343 p. ; 24 cm.]
NoteWriting and law in late Imperial China : crime, conflict, and judgment / edited by Robert E. Hegel and Katherine Carlitz.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 297-328) and index.

Making a case : characterizing the filial son / Maram Epstein -- Explaining the shrew : narratives of spousal violence and the critique of masculinity in eighteenth-century criminal cases / Janet Theiss -- Between oral and written cultures : Buddhist monks in Qing legal plaints / Yasuhiko Karasawa -- Art of persuasion in literature and law / Robert E. Hegel -- Filial felons : leniency and legal reasoning in Qing China / Thomas Buoye -- Discourse on insolvency and negligence in eighteenth-century China / Pengsheng Chiu -- Poverty tales and statutory politics in mid-Qing fraud cases / Mark McNicholas -- Indictment rituals and the judicial continuum in late Imperial China / Paul R. Katz -- Reading court cases from the Song and the Ming : fact and fiction, law and literature / James St. André -- Beyond Bao : moral ambiguity and the law in late Imperial Chinese narrative literature / Daniel M. Youd -- Genre and justice in late Qing China : Wu Woyao's Strange Case of Nine Murders and its antecedents / Katherine Carlitz -- Interpretive communities : legal meaning in Qing law / Jonathan Ocko.

Scholars of Chinese history, law, literature, and religions consider the influence of the Ming and Qing dynasties legal culture on literature and the influence of literary conventions on the presentation of legal case.

Local access dig.pdf. [Hegel-Writing-and-Law.pdf]
Online access via Gleeson Library.

ISBN9780295997544 ; 0295997540
Zhongguo gudai xing yu fa 中國古代刑與法
AuthorCui Min 崔敏
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherXinhua chubanshe 新華出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
SeriesShenzhou wenhua jicheng congshu 神州文化集成叢書, Shenzhou wenhua jicheng 神州文化集成. Zhengfu zhidulei 政府制度類
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberKQK.T78 1992
Description6, 2, 158 p. ; 19 cm
NoteZhongguo gudai xing yu fa 中國古代刑與法 / Cui Min zhu 崔敏著 ; Zhang Jinfan shending 張晋藩審定.
Includes bibliographical references.
Zhongguo lidai faxue wenxuan 中國歷代法學文選
AuthorMa Jianshi 馬建石Gao Chao 高潮
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherFalü chubanshe 法律出版社
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberKQK.G37 1983
Description4, 653 p. ; 19 cm.
NoteZhongguo lidai faxue wenxuan 中國歷代法學文選 / zhubian Gao Chao, Ma Jianshi 主編高潮 ; bianzhuzhe Gao Chao 編著者高潮 ... [et al.].
Zhongguo xingfashi yanjiu 中國刑法史硏究
AuthorNishida Taichirō 西田太一郎, 1910-Duan Qiuguan 段秋關
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherBeijing daxue chubanshe 北京大學出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberKQK.N67 1985
Descriptionii, v, 203 p. ; 19 cm
NoteZhongguo xingfashi yanjiu 中國刑法史硏究 / Nishida Taichirō (Xitian Taiyilang) zhu 西田太一郎著 ; Duan Qiuguan yi 段秋關譯.
Translation of: Chūgoku keihōshi kenkyū 中國刑法史硏究.
Includes bibliographical references.