Subject: Xiqu 戲曲 (Dramatic arias)--History and criticism

aesthetics of classical Chinese theatre : a performer's view
AuthorTang Yuen Ha [Tang Yuen-ha / Deng Wanxia 鄧宛霞]
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeThesis/Dissertation (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberPN2068.T36 2016d
Descriptionpdf. [237 p. : color ill.]
NoteThe aesthetics of classical Chinese theatre : a performer's view / Yuen Ha Tang.
Thesis (Ph.D.) Australian National University, 2016
Includes bibliographical references.

INTRODUCTION (with Appendix) 1
CHAPTER I : A Brief Historical Survey of Xiqu
CHAPTER II : The Tao of Chinese Aesthetics
CHAPTER III : Confucianism and Stylization
CHAPTER IV : Traditional Education and Training for the Classical Theatre
CHAPTER V : Xiqu “Reform”, and Further Exploration of Chinese Traditional Aesthetics

In my thesis, I discuss the fundamental aesthetic philosophy underlying the traditions of Chinese Classical Theatre. I use the term “Chinese Classical Theatre” when referring particularly to Kunqu and Jingju (Peking Opera), since these two particular genres and their artistic values most clearly represent the characteristics of Chinese TraditionalTheatre or Xiqu as a classical dramatic system. The term “Chinese Traditional Theatre” or Xiqu is used in a wider and more generic sense, to include all the many varieties of traditional and regional theatre.
In the first chapter, I look at the broad historical development of Xiqu, from its original sources to its supreme expression – Kunqu and Jingju. In the second, the focus is on the essence of Taoism, which is the starting point of Chinese traditional aesthetics. Taoism and Buddhism have given Chinese artists total freedom from all limitations; and have inspired them to seek a truth beyond appearance.
The third chapter concentrates on Confucianism, its contribution to ancient art education, and its influence on Xiqu stylization, in particular the art of different role-types and the function of percussive music.
The fundamental concept of general education and the method of Xiqu training will be explored in the fourth chapter. I examine the Keban 科班 - the old system according to which Xiqu actors were trained; and use video materials to illustrate the modern Chinese institutions for training in the Classical Theatre.
In the fifth and last chapter, through the analysis of two less than successful examples, I explore, at a deeper level, the core of Chinese traditional aesthetics and how that core can be lost or preserved in the process of reform.

Local access dig.pdf. [Tang-Classical theatre.pdf]

Ciqu 詞曲
AuthorJiang Boqian 蔣伯潛, 1892-1956
PlaceTaibei Shi 臺北市
PublisherShijie shuju 世界書局
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesShijie wenku 世界文庫, Shijie qingnian congshu 世界青年叢書
ShelfDirector's Office
Call NumberPL2336.W3 1968
Description2, 242 p. ; 19 cm.
NoteOn cover: Guowen zixue fudao congshu 國文自學輔導叢書 ; 1