Subject: China--Politics and government--221 B.C.-960 A.D.

Cefu yuangui 册府元龜
AuthorWang Qinruo 王欽若, 962-1025Li Sijing 李嗣京, jinshi 1628Hu Weilin 胡維霖Huang Guoqi 黄國琦
PlaceTaibei Shi 台北市
PublisherTaiwan Zhonghua shuju 臺灣中華書局
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfSilver Room
Call NumberAE2.T763 1973
Description20 v. (8, 27, 11740) ; 27 cm.
NoteCefu yuangui 册府元龜 : [1000卷] / Wang Qinruo zhu 王欽若著 ; Li Sijing dingzheng 李嗣京訂正 ; Hu Weilin canyue 胡維霖參閱 ; Huang Guoqi jiaoshi 黄國琦較釋.
Facsimile reproduction of: Ming Chongzhen 15 nian kanben 明崇禎15[1642]年刊本.
Teng, S. Y. Annotated bibliography of selected Chinese reference works, p. 89.

Cefu yuangui 册府元龜 (Magical mirror in the palace library, or, alternatively, Outstanding models from the storehouse of literature). Compiled 1013. The original title provides a good indication both of the intention and the contents: Lidai junchen shiji 歷代君臣事跡 (Records of the lives and deeds of outstanding officials of successive dynasties). The Cefu yuangui was compiled by a committee headed by Wang Qinruo 王欽若 (962-1025) and others……arranged into 31 branches (bu 部), subdivided into a total of 1,102 categories (men 門). The coverage is from the earliest times to the end of the Five Dynasties (960). Sources are mainly the 17 standard histories or from works since lost, such as Shiliu guo chunqiu 十六國春秋 (from which there are 480 excerpts). Sources are not always indicated. Particularly important for Nanbeichao, Tang, and Five Dynasties history. The second category under the section on dynastic histories (Guoshi 國史, juan 554) contains instances of historians refusing to bend under political pressure. There is an index to the names, titles, and technical terms in the sections on foreign countries and diplomatic affairs…..” -- Cf. Wilkinson, E., Chinese history, a new manual (2012), p. 957.
{Some data varies slightly from Wilkinson’s 2000 edition}