Author | Schäfer, Dagmar |
Place | Leiden |
Publisher | Brill |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Language | English |
Type | Book, Digital Book (PDF) |
Series | Sinica Leidensia ; 103 |
Shelf | Hallway Cases, Digital Archives |
Call Number | T27.C5 C85 2012 |
Description | vi, 394 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. + pdf |
Note | Cultures of knowledge : technology in Chinese history / edited by Dagmar Schäfer. Introduction / Dagmar Schäfer -- Political, social and economic factors affecting the transmission of knowledge in early modern China / William T. Rowe -- Silken strands: making technology work in China / Dagmar Schäfer -- Technological transmission in China and Europe: a comparative view / Pamela O. Long -- Picturing Yu controlling the flood: technology, ecology, and emperorship in Northern Song China / Heping Liu -- Sympathetic relations: foreign craftsmen at the Qing court / Luo Wenhua -- Symbolic technology politics / Wolfgang Lèfevre -- Ceramics for local and global markets: Jingdezhen's agora of technologies / Anne Gerritsen -- Temples, technology, and material culture in Shouzhou, Anhui / Susan Naquin -- Framing European technology in seventeenth-century China: rhetorical strategies in Jesuit paratexts / Joachim Kurtz -- The knowledge agora: the role of the officials / Matteo Valleriani -- Making technology history / Martina Siebert -- The biographer's view of craftsmanship / Martin Hofmann -- Chinese literati and the transmission of technological knowledge: the case of agriculture / Francesca Bray -- Two cultures speaking with one voice? Invention, ingenuity, and agricultural innovation in pre-industrial European and Chinese discourse / Marcus Popplow. Local access dig.pdf [Schafer-Cultures of knowledge.pdf] Looking at knowledge transmission as a cultural feature, this book isolates and examines the individual factors that affect knowledge in the making and created uniquely Chinese cultures of knowledge. The volume is organized into four sections: Internode, Imperial Court, Agora, and Scholarly Arts. Each has a theoretical introduction, followed by two core contributions from experts in Chinese history. The section concludes with a ‘reflection’ by a historian of Western Technology who scrutinizes each sphere and identifies the points that reflect universal technological experience. The combination of broadly sketched theoretical introductions and detailed core contributions provides an unparalleled insight into pre-modern Chinese history from the Song to early Qing dynasty, revealing Chinese attitudes towards innovation and invention. |
ISBN | 9789004218444 ; 9004218440 |
LCCN | 2011037331 |
Author | Métailié, GeorgesBray, FrancescaDorofeeva-Lichtmann, Vera |
Place | Leiden |
Publisher | Brill |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Language | English |
Type | Book, Digital Book (PDF) |
Series | Sinica Leidensia ; 79 |
Shelf | Hallway Cases, Digital Archives |
Call Number | T10.5.G685 2007 |
Description | xiii, 772 p. : ill. (some col.), maps ; 25 cm. + pdf |
Note | Graphics and text in the production of technical knowledge in China : the warp and the weft / edited by Francesca Bray, Vera Dorofeeva-Lichtmann, Georges Métailié. Introduction: The powers of 'tu' / Francesca Bray -- La représentation visuelle dans les pratiques pyro-ostéo-mantiques dans la Chine archaïque / Olivier Venture -- Placed into the right position : etymological notes on 'tu' and congeners / Wolfgang Behr -- Time, space and orientation : figurative representations of the sexagenary cycle in ancient and medieval China / Marc Kalinowski -- Communication by design : two silk manuscripts of diagrams (tu) from Mawangdui Tomb Three / Donald Harper -- Picturing or diagramming the universe / Wu Hung -- Mapless mapping : did the maps of the Shan hai jing ever exist? / Vera Dorofeeva-Lichtmann -- The tables (biao) in Sima Qian's Shi ji : rhetoric and remembrance / Griet Vankeerberghen -- The Avatamsaka-sûtra as a 'bodhi mandala text' / Hermann-Josef Röllicke -- Diagrams as an architecture by means of words : the Yanji tu / Michael Lackner -- Imagining practice : sense and sensuality in early Chinese medical illustration / Vivienne Lo -- Geometrical diagrams in traditional Chinese mathematics / Alexei Volkov -- Woodcut illustration : a general outline / Michela Bussotti -- The representation of plants : engravings and paintings / Georges Métailié -- Agricultural illustrations : blueprint or icon? / Francesca Bray -- 'Like obtaining a great treasure' : the illustrations in Song Yingxing's The Exploitation of the Works of Nature / Peter J. Golas -- Song Yingxing's illustrations of iron production / Donald B. Wagner -- The body revealed : the contribution of forensic medicine to knowledge and representation of the skeleton in China / Catherine Despeux -- New maps for the modernizing state : western cartographic knowledge and its application in 19th and 20th century China / Iwo Amelung. Link to Boston College O'Neill Library record Link to Brill eBook (BC community) Local access pdf: [Bray-Graphics and Text.pdf] This collection offers a challenging new interpretation of technical knowledge in Chinese thought and practice. Conveying technical knowledge in China through charts, plans or drawings ( tu ) dates back to antiquity. Earlier studies focused on specialised forms of tu like maps or drawings of machines. Here, however, tu is identified in Chinese terms, viz. as a philosophical category of knowledge production: visual templates for action, spanning a range from mandala to modernist mapping projects, inseparable from writing but with distinctive powers of communication. A distinction is made between two principal types of tu : ritual/symbolic and representational, highlighting essential issues such as historical shifts in their significance, the relations between tu and political power, media for inscribing tu and the impact of printing, and encounters with the West. |
ISBN | 9789004160637 ; 9004160639 |
LCCN | 2007038666 |
Author | Wright, David, 1947 Dec. 5- |
Place | Leiden |
Publisher | Brill |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Language | English |
Type | Book, Digital Book (PDF) |
Series | Sinica Leidensia ; 48 |
Shelf | Stacks, Digital Archives, Seminar Room 102-103 |
Call Number | QD49.C58 W75 2000 |
Description | xxvi, 558 p. : ill. ; 25 cm. + pdf |
Note | Translating science : the transmission of Western chemistry into Late Imperial China, 1840-1900 / by David Wright. "How did the Chinese in the nineteenth century deal with the enormous influx of Western science? What were the patterns behind this watershed in Chinese intellectual history?" "This work deals with those responsible for the translations of science, the major issues they were confronted with, and their struggles; the Chinese translators' views of its overpowering influence on, and interaction with their own great tradition, those of the missionary-translators who used natural theology to propagate the Gospel, and those of John Fryer, a 'secular missionary', who founded the Shanghai Polytechnic and edited the Chinese Scientific Magazine." "With due attention for the techniques of translation, the formation of new terms, the mechanisms behind the 'struggle for survival' between the, in this case, chemical terms, all amply illustrated at the hand of original texts." "The final chapter charts the intellectual influence of Western science, the role of the scientific metaphor in political discourse, and the translation of science from a collection of mere 'techniques' to a source of political inspiration."--BOOK JACKET. Local access dig.pdf. [Wright-Translating Science.pdf] |
ISBN | 9004117768 ; 9789004117761 |
LCCN | 00063109 |