Subject: China--History--1937-1945--Fiction

Stories of China at war
AuthorWang Chi-Chen, b. 1899
PlaceNew York
PublisherColumbia University Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library [M5]
ShelfDir. Office Gallery
Call NumberPL2699.C36 1947
Descriptionxi, 158 p. ; 23 cm.
NoteStories of China at war / Edited by Chi-chen Wang.

Beyond the Willow wall, by Tuan-mu Kung-liang (Duanmu Hongliang)--Three men, by Chen Shou-chu (Chen Shouzhu) --Heaven has eyes, by Mao Dun.--The red trousers, by Pien Chih-lin (Bian Zhilin) -- An unsuccessful fight, by Ping Po (Bing Bo) -- Chabancheh Makay, by Yao Hsueh-yin (Yao Xueyin) -- Purge by fire, by Yang Shuo -- Builders of the Burma Road, by Pai P'ing-chieh (Bai Pingjie) --In the steel mill, by King Yu-ling (Jing Youling) -- Test of good citizenship, by Li Wei-t'ao (Li Weitao) -- They take heart again, by Lao She (Lau Shaw) -- Portrait of a traitor, by Lao She (Lau Shaw)--The letter from home, by Lao She (Lau Shaw)--A new life, by Chang T'ien-yi (Zhang Tianyi) -- House hunting, by Tuan-mu Kung-liang (Duanmu Hongliang) -- Under the moonlight, by Kuo Mo-jo (Guo Moruo).
