Author | Ma Changshou 馬長壽, d. 1971 |
Place | Shanghai 上海 |
Publisher | Shanghai renmin chubanshe 上海人民出版社 |
Collection | Bibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu |
Edition | 第1版, 第1次印刷 |
Language | Chinese 中文[簡體字] |
Type | Book |
Shelf | Stacks |
Call Number | DS730.D598 M224 1984 |
Description | 2, 220 p. : ill., tables ; 19 cm. |
Note | Di yu Qiang 氐與羌 / Ma Changshou yizhu 馬長壽遺著. Includes bibliographical references. |
LCCN | 85-100375 |
Author | Temur Temule 特木勒 |
Place | Shanghai 上海 |
Publisher | Shanghai renmin chubanshe 上海人民出版社 |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Edition | 第1版 |
Language | Chinese 中文[簡體字] |
Type | Book |
Series | Renwen sheke xinlun congshu 人文社科新論叢書 |
Shelf | Director's Office |
Call Number | BR1285.D86 2010 |
Description | 2, 2, 11, 10, 299 p. ; 21 cm. |
Note | Duoyuan zuqun yu Zhong-Xi wenhua jiaoliu : jiyu Zhong-Xi wenxian de xin yanjiu 多元族群與中西文化交流 : 基於中西文獻的新研究 / Temule bian 特木勒編. Table of contents and abstracts also in English. Includes bibliographical references. 本書圍繞基督教對於中國少數民族,邊疆民族等地區的多元民族社會的作用與影響展開,尤其對近代以來多元民族的中西文化交流作了著重探討,包括了外籍傳教士與中國的邊疆地區,近代中國少數民族對基督教的認識,傳教士對少數民族文化的研究等具有代表性的課題.--Publisher note (OCLC record). 本書內容包括:外籍傳教土與中國的邊疆服務運動、晚清傳教土與中國穆斯林的相遇與對話、蒙元初期來蒙古漢廷傳教土的翻譯人員研究、嘉慶十年旗人奉教案探析等。 |
ISBN | 9787208089402 ; 720808940X |
LCCN | 2010409550 |
Author | Crossley, Pamela KyleSiu, Helen F.Sutton, Donald S. |
Place | Berkeley |
Publisher | University of California Press |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Language | English |
Type | Digital Book (PDF) |
Series | Studies on China ; 28 |
Shelf | Digital Archives |
Call Number | DS730.E67 2006d |
Description | pdf. [x, 378 p. : maps ; 24 cm] |
Note | Empire at the margins : culture, ethnicity, and frontier in early modern China / edited by Pamela Kyle Crossley, Helen Siu, and Donald S. Sutton. Includes bibliographical references (pages 325-346) and index. Part I. Identity at the heart of empire -- Ethnicity in the Qing Eight Banners / Mark C. Elliott -- Making Mongols / Pamela Kyle Crossley -- "A fierce and brutal people:" on Islam and Muslims in Qing law / Jonathan N. Lipman -- Part II. Narrative wars at the new frontiers -- The Qing and Islam on the western frontier / James A. Millward and Laura J. Newby -- The cant of conquest: Tusi offices and China's political incorporation of the southwest frontier / John E. Herman -- Part III. Old contests of the south and southwest -- The Yao wars in the mid-Ming and their impact on Yao ethnicity / David Faure -- Ethnicity and the Miao frontier in the eighteenth century / Donald S. Sutton -- Ethnicity, conflict, and the state in the early to mid-Qing: the Hainan highlands, 1644-1800 / Anne Csete -- Part IV. Uncharted boundaries -- Ethnic labels in a mountainous region: the case of She "bandits" / Wing-hoi Chan -- Lineage, market, pirate, and Dan: ethnicity in the Pearl River delta of south China / Helen F. Siu and Liu Zhiwei. Focusing on the Ming and Qing eras, this book analyses crucial moments in the formation of cultural, regional and religious identities. It demonstrates how the imperial discourse is many-faceted, rather than a monolithic agent of cultural assimilation.
Physical and online versions available at Gleeson Library. |
ISBN | 9780520230156 |
LCCN | 2005018339 |
Author | Chia, Ning |
Place | --- |
Publisher | --- |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Language | English |
Type | Thesis/Dissertation (PDF) |
Shelf | Digital Archives |
Call Number | KNN2680 .C495 1991a |
Description | pdf. [iv, 394, 3 l. : maps ; 28 cm] |
Note | The Li-fan Yuan in the early Ch'ing Dynasty / Ning Chia. Dissertation (Ph.D. Johns Hopkins University, 1991) Diss. dated 1991; copyright page 1992. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 366-380).
Further information on Mongolian code see Legalizing space in China. |
Author | Sino-Judaic Institute |
Place | Menlo Park, CA |
Publisher | Sino-Judaic Institute |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Language | English |
Type | Periodical |
Shelf | Stacks |
Call Number | DS135.C5 S56 1991 |
Description | v. ; 28 cm. |
Note | Sino-Judaica : occasional papers of the Sino-Judaic Institute. Nigel Thomas: Râdhânites, Chinese Jews, and the Silk Road of the Steppes -- Wendy Abraham: The role of Confucian and Jewish educational values in the assimilation of the Chinese Jews of Kaifeng, supplemented by Western observer accounts, 1605-1985 -- Donald Daniel Leslie: The Old Testament and Biblical figures in Chinese sources -- Andrew H. Plaks: The Confucianization of the Chinese Jews: interpretations of the K’ai-feng Stelae inscriptions -- Kong Xianyi [孔憲易]: Delving into the Israelite religion of Kaifeng: the patriotic scholar Shi Jingxun 時經訓 and his Study of the origins of the Plucking the Sinews Sect of Henan (Henan tiaojinjiao yuanliukao 河南挑筋教源流考) |
LCCN | 95644504 |
Author | Heilong 黑龍, 1964- |
Place | Shanghai 上海 |
Publisher | Shanghai guji chubanshe 上海古籍出版社 |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Edition | 第1版 |
Language | Chinese 中文[簡體字] |
Type | Book |
Shelf | Hallway Cases |
Call Number | DS328.4.O57 H455 2014 |
Description | 3, 274 pages ; 21 cm |
Note | Zhunga'er Menggu yu Qingchao guanxishi yanjiu 準噶爾蒙古與清朝關係史研究 (1672-1697) / Heilong zhu 黑龍著. “國家社會科學基金項目階段性成果, 大連民族學院優秀學術著作出版基金資助"--Title page verso. Includes bibliographical references (pages 258-274). 本文首次系統利用"蒙文老檔", "蒙古堂檔", 滿漢文"康熙起居註冊"等重要史料, 結合"朔漠方略", "秦邊紀略"等清代官私史籍, 在前人研究的基礎上比較全面系統和深入地探討了噶爾丹統治時期1672-1697)的準噶爾與清朝之間的政治關係, 經貿往來及軍事衝突, 力圖展現這25年清準關係的真實面貌.--OCLC record note. |
ISBN | 9787532575282 ; 7532575284 |
LCCN | 2015390414 |