Subject: Mitsui Chōhyō 三井聽氷--Art collections

Kan Hokkai shō Kei-kun no hi 漢北海相景君碑. [Beihai xiang Jingjun ming 北海相景君銘. Japanese & Chinese]
AuthorMatsui Joryū 松井如流, 1900-1988
PlaceTōkyō 東京
PublisherNigensha 二玄社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageJapanese, Chinese
SeriesShoseki meihin sōkan 書跡名品叢刊. 第2集 ; 069
ShelfDirector's Office
Call NumberNK3634.K264 M287 1961
Description[71] p. : chiefly ill. ; 36 cm.
NoteKan Hokkai shō Kei-kun no hi 漢北海相景君碑 / [kaisetsusha Matsui Joryū 解說者松井如流].
Reproduces the stone rubbings in collection of Mitsui Chōsuikaku. Printed transcript with reading marks, and introd. in Japanese.
Ryō Eikaku mei 梁瘗鶴銘
AuthorTao Hongjing 陶弘景, 452-536Fushimi Chūkei 伏見冲敬, 1917-2002
PlaceTōkyō 東京
PublisherNigensha 二玄社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageJapanese, Chinese
SeriesShoseki meihin sōkan 書跡名品叢刊. 第2集 ; 054
ShelfDirector's Office
Call NumberNK3634.R873 T274 1961
Description[58] p. : chiefly ill. ; 36 cm.
NoteRyō Eikaku mei 梁瘗鶴銘 / [shosha Tō Kōkei 書者陶弘景 ; kaisetsusha Fushimi Chūkei 解說者伏見冲敬].
Reproduces the stone rubbings of Eikaku mei from Mitsui Chōhyō-bon. Printed transcript with reading marks, and introd. in Japanese.