Author | Thurman, Robert A. F.Dagyab, Loden Sherap 扎雅·諾丹西繞Walshe, Maurice |
Place | Boston |
Publisher | Wisdom Publications |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library [ASCC] |
Language | English |
Type | Book |
Shelf | Stacks [ASCC] |
Call Number | BQ5115.C5 D3613 1995 |
Description | xvii, 148 p. : illus. ; 23 cm. |
Note | Buddhist symbols in Tibetan culture : an investigation of the nine best-known groups of symbols . [Buddhistische Glückssymbole im tibetischen Kulturraum. English] / Loden Sherap Dagyab 扎雅·諾丹西繞, trans. Maurice Walshe. Foreword by Robert A. F. Thurman. German original published in 1992. Includes bibliographical references (pages 143-147). "The Queen's Earrings. The Fur-Bearing Fish. The Endless Knot. Tibetan Buddhism is filled with rich, colorful symbols. But what do they all mean?" "In this fascinating study, Dagyab Rinpoche not only explains the nine best-known groups of Tibetan Buddhist symbols, but also shows how they serve as bridges between our inner and outer worlds. As such, they can be used to point the way to ultimate reality, and to transmit a reservoir of deep knowledge formed over thousands of years."--Jacket. Contents: Essentials of Tibetan Thought -- Non-Conventional Reality -- 1. The Eight Symbols of Good Fortune -- 2. The Eight Bringers of Good Fortune -- 3. The Seven Jewels of Royal Power -- 4. The Seven Secondary Jewels -- 5. The Seven Gems -- 6. The Six Signs of Long Life -- 7. The Five Qualities of Enjoyment -- 8. The Four Harmonious Brothers -- 9. The Three Symbols of Victory in the Fight against Disharmony. |
ISBN | 0861710479 ; 9780861710478 |
Author | Li Wenru 李文儒 |
Place | Beijing 北京 |
Publisher | Zijincheng chubanshe 紫禁城出版社, Gugong bowuyuan 故宮博物院 |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library [ASCC] |
Language | Chinese, English |
Type | Periodical |
Shelf | Stacks [ASCC] |
Call Number | A1.K447 2007 |
Description | 154 p. ; color illus. ; 28 cm. |
Note | Gugong bowuyuan yuankan 故宮博物院院刊 No. 5, 2007. |
ISBN | 04527402 |
Author | Bunce, Fredrick W.Chandra, Lokesh |
Place | New Delhi |
Publisher | D.K. Printworld |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library [ASCC] |
Language | English |
Type | Book (Photocopy) |
Series | Emerging perceptions in Buddhist studies ; 14 |
Shelf | Stacks [ASCC] |
Call Number | BQ4630.L58X 2002 |
Description | 3 v.; bound photocopies ; xxiii, 784 pp. : illus. ; 28 cm. |
Note | The Tibetan iconography of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and other deities : a unique pantheon / Lokesh Chandra and Fredrick W. Bunce. |
ISBN | 9788124601785 ; 812460178X |
Author | Dagyab, Loden Sherap 扎雅·諾丹西繞Xie Jisheng 謝繼勝, trans. |
Place | [Lhasa] |
Publisher | Xizang renmin chubanshe 西藏人民出版社 |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library [ASCC] |
Edition | 第1版 |
Language | Chinese 中文[簡體字] |
Type | Book |
Shelf | Stacks [ASCC] |
Call Number | N8193.T52 D3313 1989 |
Description | 370 pp., 48 pp. of plates : illus. (some color) ; 21 cm. |
Note | Xizang zongjiao yishu 西藏宗教藝術 / Loden Sherap Dagyab 扎雅·諾丹西繞, translated by Xie Jisheng 謝繼勝. The religious art of Tibet. Second printing of 1997. |
ISBN | 9787223002523 ; 7223002522 |
Author | mGon-po-skyabs [Gongbuchabu 工布查布], fl. 1742-1743 |
Place | Taibei Shi 臺北市 |
Publisher | Taiwan yinjingchu 臺灣印經處 |
Collection | Bibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu |
Edition | 初版 |
Language | Chinese 中文 |
Type | Book |
Shelf | Stacks |
Call Number | BQ5115.Z279 M476 1956 |
Description | 17, 11, 65 p. : ill. ; 19 cm. |
Note | Zaoxiang liangdujing 造像量度經 : Fu 附: Xubu 續補 / Gongbuchabu yi 工布查布譯. Foshuo Zaoxiang liangdujing jie Gongbuchabu yijieshu 佛說造像量度經解工布查布譯解述: p. 4-22. Zaoxiang liangdujing xubu Gongbuchabu shu 造像量度經續補 工布查布述: p. 23-65. Originally published: [南京] : 金陵刻經處, 同治 13 [1874]. Translation of: Pratimālakṣaṇam. Daśatalanyagrodhaparimaṇḍala-buddhapratimālakṣaṇa.民國45 [1956]. |