Subject: Chinese literature--Psychological aspects

Minds and mentalities in traditional Chinese literature
AuthorEifring, Halvor
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherCulture and Art Pub. House
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageEnglish, Chinese
SeriesStudies of Chinese literature and psychology ; 1
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberPL2272.5.E54 1999
Descriptionxiv, 422 p. ; 22 cm.
NoteMinds and mentalities in traditional Chinese literature / edited by Halvor Eifring.
Papers originally presented at a seminar on "Mental states in traditional Chinese literature" in Norway in 1995.
Chinese title on colophon: 中国传统文学之情感与心态.
Includes bibliographical references.
In English, with passages in Chinese.

Preface / David Hawkes -- Songs of the self: self-expression through song lyrics in Jin Ping Mei / David T. Roy -- Self-enclosure and self-absorption in the classic Chinese novel / Andrew Plaks -- Chinese faces : the sociopsychology of facial features as described in The Story of the Stone / Halvor Eifring -- Body and character: physiognomical description in Han dynasty literature / Rune Svarverud -- The mentality of Monkey in The Journey to the West: a semiotic interpretation / Heng-syung Jeng -- Indirect expression of mental states : ramblings into Chinese traditional fiction André Lévy -- Emotions and the origin of evil in neo-Confucian thought / Paolo Santangelo -- Weeping and wailing in ancient China / Christoph Harbsmeier.
Keywords: Jin Ping Mei 金瓶梅, Hongloumeng 紅樓夢, Classical novels, Shitouji 石頭記, Xiyouji 西遊記 , mourning, crying, laments, grief, Li Zhi 李贄, face, faces, features, eyes, mouth, appearance, self, evil.
