Subject: Historiography--China--Congresses

Shixue yu wenxian 史學與文獻
AuthorDong Wu daxue Lishixue xi 東吳大學歷史學系
PlaceTaibei Shi 臺北市
PublisherTaiwan xuesheng shuju 臺灣學生書局
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese, English
TypeConference Proceedings
SeriesShixue congshu 史學叢書 ; 33, 37
Call NumberCD254.T28 S55 1998
Description2 v. ; 22 cm.
NoteShixue yu wenxian 史學與文獻 / Dong Wu daxue Lishi xuexi zhubian 東吳大學歷史學系主編. Proceedings of: Di 1 jie Shixue yu wenxianxue xueshu yantaohui 第1 屆史學與文獻學學術研討會, held at Dong Wu daxue on June 6, 1997, and Di 2 jie held at the same place in 1998.
One article in English: "Images of the south in Ouyang Xiu's historical records of the Five Dynasties," by Richard L. Davis, vol. 2, pp. 97-158.
Includes bibliographical references.