Author | Wang Weijia 王薇佳 |
Place | Wuhan 武漢 |
Publisher | Huazhong shifan daxue 華中師範大學 |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Language | Chinese 中文[簡體字] |
Type | Thesis/Dissertation |
Shelf | Director's Office |
Call Number | Diss. Wang 2003 [LC432.C6 W376 2003] |
Description | iv, 113 p. : ill. ; 28.6 cm. |
Note | Dubixijing : yisuo yu zhongbutong de daxue : Shanghai Zhendan daxue yanjiu (1903-1952) 獨辟蹊徑 : 一所與眾不同的大學 : 上海震旦大學研究 (1903-1952) / Lunwen zuozhe 論文作者: Wang Weijia 王薇佳 ; Zhidao jiaoshi 指導教師 [Supervisors]: Zhang Kaiyuan 章開沅, Jean-Paul Wiest 魏揚波. "Huazhong shifan daxue boshi xuewei lunwen 華中師範大學博士學位論文"--cover. Huazhong shifan daxue Zhongguo jindaishi yanjiusuo 華中師範大學中國近代史研究所 (Dept. of Modern Chinese History) ; Sixiang wenhua shi 思想文化史 (History of ideology and culture) Dissertation approval page and abstract also in English: A unique University: a study on Aurora University in Shanghai (1903-1952)
“ ... dissertation focuses on a research of Aurora University in Shanghai (1903-1952). This study has mainly reviewed the development of Aurora University after the French Jesuits’ takeover since 1905. Specifically, it has examined and analyzed how Aurora reacted in the trend of indigenization in the 1920’s and 1930’s, and [her] uniqueness and special significance as a French university and a Catholic university .... This is the first monograph on Aurora by a Chinese scholar.”--abstract. |
Author | Chi, Madeleine, b. 1930 |
Place | --- |
Publisher | --- |
Collection | Aurora College Archives |
Language | English |
Type | Manuscript (pdf) |
Shelf | Digital Archives, Archive Cabinet |
Call Number | Aurora Archives [LC432.C6 C53 1991] |
Description | 19 p. ; 28 cm. |
Note | Education at Aurora College for Women : tradition and adaptation (1937-1949) -- A Preliminary Draft / Madeleine Chi, Ph. D. Photocopy of manuscript in Aurora College Archives box. "June 1991, Nanjing" Bibliography: p. 18-19. Local access dig.pdf [Chi-Education at Aurora.pdf] |
Author | Hipps, John Burder, 1884-1967Wang Licheng 王立城 |
Place | Zhuhai 珠海 |
Publisher | Zhuhai chubanshe 珠海出版社 |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Language | Chinese 中文[簡體字] |
Type | Book |
Shelf | Director's Office |
Call Number | LG51.U522 v.2 |
Description | 5, 4, 2, 3, 2, 284 p. ; 20.5 cm. |
Note | Hujiang daxue 滬江大學 / [美] Haiposhi zhu 海波士著 ; Wang Licheng yi 王立城譯. Translation of: History of the University of Shanghai [1964]. |
ISBN | 780694500 |