Subject: Japanese literature--History and criticism

Inscribed objects and the development of literature in early Japan
AuthorFrydman, Joshua
PlaceLeiden ; Boston
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageEnglish, Japanese
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
SeriesBrill's Japanese studies library ; v. 72
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberPL750.F79 2023
Descriptionpdf [xv, 250 p. : ill. (some color), maps ; 25 cm]

Inscribed objects and the development of literature in early Japan / by Joshua Frydman.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

"The introduction of writing enables new forms of literature, but these can be invisible in works that survive as manuscripts. Through looking at inscriptions of poetry on garbage and as graffiti, we can glimpse how literature spread along with writing. This study uses these lesser-studied sources, including inscriptions on pottery, architecture, and especially wooden tablets known as mokkan, to uncover how poetry, and literature more broadly, was used, shared and thrown away in early Japan. Through looking at these disposable and informal sources, we explore the development of early Japanese literature, and even propose parallels to similar developments in other societies across space and time"-- Provided by publisher.

Local access dig.pdf. [Frydman-Inscribed objects Japan.pdf]

Invitation to Japan's Literature
AuthorHarper, Thomas J., fl. 1971-1984
PlaceTokyo 東京
PublisherJapan Culture Institute
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Call NumberPL715.K685 H277 1974
Description154, [8] p. : ill., fold. table ; 21 cm.
NoteAn Invitation to Japan's Literature / compiled and edited by Thomas J. Harper et al.].
Bibliography: p. [157]-[162].
La narrativa giapponese classica
AuthorBoscaro, AdrianaBienati, Luisa
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Edition1. ed.
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberPL718.I8 B53 2010
Descriptionpdf. [230 pages : illustrations ; 19 cm]

La narrativa giapponese classica / Luisa Bienati, Adriana Boscaro.

Includes bibliographical references.

Local access dig.pdf. [Narrativa giapponese.pdf]

ISBN9788831705615 ; 883170561X
Michiyuki-bun : poétique de l'itinéraire dans la littérature du Japon ancien
AuthorPigeot, Jacqueline
PublisherCollège de France, Institut des hautes études japonaises
CollectionRicci Institute Library
EditionÉd. rev. et corr.
ShelfDir. Office Gallery
Call NumberPL735.P546 2009
Description412 p. : ill., maps ; 25 cm.
NoteMichiyuki-bun : poétique de l'itinéraire dans la littérature du Japon ancien / par Jacqueline Pigeot.
Texte remanié de: Thèse de doctorat--Lettres--Paris 7, 1979. Titre de soutenance: Poétique de l'itinéraire et élaboration du Michiyuki-bun.
Includes bibliography ( p. 379-387) and index.
ISBN9782913217218 ; 2913217214
Shirakawa Shizuka chosakushū 白川静著作集
AuthorShirakawa Shizuka 白川静, 1910-2006
PlaceTōkyō 東京
PublisherHeibonsha 平凡社
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageJapanese, Chinese
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberPL2256.S45 1999
Descriptionv. : ill. ; 22 cm.
NoteShirakawa Shizuka chosakushū 白川静著作集.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Stamped in each volume on t.p.: "Donation by Prof. Yang Kuan to honor Father Lazszlo Ladany S.J. (1914-1990) 楊寬捐贈...."

Dai 1-3-kan. Kanji I-III -- dai 4-kan. Kōkotsubun to In shi -- dai 5-kan. Kinbun to kyōten -- dai 6-kan. Shinwa to shisō -- dai 7-kan. Bunka to minzoku -- dai 8-kan. Chūgoku kodai no bungaku -- dai 9-10-kan. Shikyō I-II -- dai 11-kan. Man'yōshū -- dai 12-kan. Zassan.
第1-3卷. 漢字I-III -- 第4卷. 甲骨文と殷史 -- 第5卷. 金文と経典 -- 第6卷. 神話と智恵 -- 第7卷. 文化と民俗 -- 第8卷. 古代の文学 -- 第9-10卷. 詩経I-II -- 第11卷. 万葉集-- 第12卷. 雑纂.

ISBN4582403417 ; 9784582403411
Yuanshi wuyu yu Baishi wenji 源氏物語與白氏文集. [Genji monogatari to Haku-shi monjū 源氏物語と白氏文集. Chinese]
AuthorMaruyama Kiyoko 丸山淸子, b. 1915Shen Fei 申非, fl. 1980-
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherGuoji wenhua chuban gongsi 國際文化出版公司
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberPL788.4.G43 M274 1985
Description208 p. : port. ; 20 cm
NoteYuanshi wuyu yu Baishi wenji 源氏物語與白氏文集 / Wanshan Qingzi zhu 丸山淸子著 ; Shen Fei yi 申非譯.
Translation of: Genji monogatari to Haku-shi monjū 源氏物語と白氏文集.
Includes bibliographical references.