Subject: Civilization, Medieval

Zhonggu wenyi chunqiu 中古文藝春秋. [Philosophy and Civilization in the Middle Ages. Chinese]
AuthorWulf, M. de (Maurice), 1867-1947Zhao Erqian 趙爾謙, fl. 1935-1984
PlaceBinlangyu 檳榔嶼 [Penang]
PublisherZhongling Zhongxue 鍾靈中學
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesZhongling congshu 鍾靈叢書 ; 第 3 種
Call NumberB721.Z476 W863 1958
Description[24], 305 p. ; 19 cm.
NoteZhonggu wenyi chunqiu 中古文藝春秋 / Maurice de Wulf jiaoshou zhu 教授著 ; Zhao Erqian boshi yizuan 趙爾謙博士譯纂.
Translation of: Philosophy and Civilization in the Middle Ages.
Includes bibliographical references and index.