Subject: Bible. Chinese--Versions--Exhibitions

Shengjing erqian zhanlanhui 聖經二千展覽會. Bible 2000 Exhibition. [Shengjing zhencan 聖經珍藏]
AuthorGoh, Lionel [Wu Yueqing 吳岳清]Lee Chee Kong [Li Zhigang 李志剛]Studium Biblicum Hong Kong 香港思高聖經學會Hong Kong Bible Society 香港聖經公會
PlaceHong Kong 香港
PublisherHong Kong Bible Society 香港聖經公會
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfAdmin. Office
Call NumberBS538.7.H6 2000
Description93 p. : color ill. ; 26.5 cm., in case
NoteShengjing erqian zhanlanhui 聖經二千展覽會. Bible 2000 Exhibition. [Shengjing zhencan 聖經珍藏] / Friar Lionel Goh 吳岳清, OFM, Rev. Lee Chee Kong 李志剛, Chief editors 總編輯.
In collaboration: Studium Biblicum Hong Kong 香港思高聖經學會, Hong Kong Bible Society 香港聖經公會.
Copyright includes Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (pp. 18-30)
In presentation case, titled: Shengjing zhencan 聖經珍藏.
Parallel Chinese-English (text captions vary slightly)

"To commemorate the 2000th anniversary of the Word made Flesh, and also to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Hong Kong Bible Society and 55th anniversary of the Studium Biblicum, these two institutes have organised an historic Bible exhibition from November 2-6, 2000. This book is a souvenir of this event...."--pref.

Chronologically arranged catalog of Bibles, including: Codex Vaticanus, Greek, Syriac, Barb. Lat. 570, Vat. Gr. 749, Vat. Iberico 1 (Georgian), Nestorian stele, Testamentum Novum, Sacra Biblia (Vulgate,1588), Aleni's Life of Christ (1635), Manuel Diaz' Commentary on the Gospels (1642), Office of the Dead (Yiwang rike 已亡日課, 1676) [early Chinese Catholic versions of the Bible are liturgical texts as this one is, consisting of Psalms and New Testament readings].
Sloan Manuscript (c. 1700), a Chinese translation of the entire New Testament from the Latin Vulgate by French missionary priest J. Basset (never published), which early Protestant missionaries relied on; Complete Old Testament (Zhongwang jingshu 眾王經書) translated into Chinese by Jesuit Louis de Poirot 賀清泰, c. 1800, based on the Latin Vulgate, first complete Catholic version, manuscripts unpublished but existed in the Beitang (Beijing North Cathedral) until 1948. Morrison Version (Chinese, 1823): Robert Morrison's Chinese New Testament translation began in 1810 based on the Sloan manuscript, completed in Guangzhou in 1814. [In 1813 Morrison collaborated with W. Milne in translating the Old Testament into Chinese based on Fr. de Poirot's manuscript. Completed Old Testament published in Malacca in 1819. These two combined versions form the first complete Bible in Chinese, published in Malacca in1823, in 21 vols. folio, later reprinted in 5 volumes.
Letters of St. Paul (Chinese, Jiushizhu shengshu 救世主聖書, 1836), Singapore, independent of the Morrison version and part of a larger series; Delegates' Version (Weiban yiben 委辦譯本, 1852-1854). Gospel of Luke (Chinese/Japanese interlinear, 1855); New Testament by Rev. Griffith John 楊格非 in the "Easy Wen Li" (Jian wenli 淺文理, or "Easy Literary Style"), published Hankou Ying-Hanguan chubanshe 漢口英漢館出版社, 1866; Psalms (Jiuyue shipian 舊約詩篇) by Rev. Griffith John, 1866; Acts of the Apostles (Zongtu dashilu 宗徒大事錄), translation by Jesuit Li Wenyu 李問漁, 1888; Gospel of St. Matthew (Matai fuyin shu 馬太福音書) in Manchu (滿文), 1889; "Guanhua 官話" New Testament, 1892; New Testament Imperial Edition (Junwang banben 君王版本), American Presbyterian Mission Press 美國聖經學會出版 (1894), so called because it was presented to the Empress Dowager Cixi 慈禧太后 ; new Testament in Cantonese (Guangdong tubai 廣東土白), 1900; Acts of the Apostles in Manchu (Manwen shitu xingzhuan 滿文使徒行傳) , 1903 (note the "new Manchu" typescript on these examples); Wenli New Testament (1905); National Bible Society of Scotland (1908) Mandarin New Testament (官話); Foo Chow Colloquial Bible (1908), British and Foreign Bible Society's edition printed at Romanised Press (A.B.C.F.M.) 羅馬拼音福州土話 ; Gospel Harmony (Sishi jiyi 四史集一), published by the Lazarist Fathers (Yishihui 遺使會) in Beijing (1908) ; Mandarin Bible Union Version (Guanhua hehe yiben 官話和合譯本)(1918)....

ISBN: (HKBS) 962 293 780 2 ; ISBN:(SBHK) 962 743 773 5
***Graphic resource

ISBN962 293 780 2