Subject: Chinese Border Mission [Zhonghua Jidujiaohui bianjiang fuwubu 中華基督敎會邊疆服務部]

Jidujiao yu Chuan-Kang minzu diqu jindai yiliao shiye 基督教與川康民族地區近代醫療事業 : 邊疆服務中醫療衛生事業研究 (1939-1955)
AuthorDeng Jie 鄧傑 [邓杰]
PlaceChengdu 成都
PublisherSichuan daxue 四川大學
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
TypeThesis/Dissertation (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberR722.D465 2007dig
Descriptiondig. files [289 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.]
NoteJidujiao yu Chuan-Kang minzu diqu jindai yiliao shiye : bianjiang fuwu zhong yiliao weisheng shiye yanjiu 基督教與川康民族地區近代醫療事業:邊疆服務中醫療衛生事業研究 (1939-1955) / Deng Jie 鄧杰.
培養單位: 四川大學歷史文化學院.
指導教師: 楊天宏教授.
專業: 專門史. 研究方向: 中國近現代區域經濟與社會.
CD [doc. & PDF files]
Abstract and title also in English: Christianity and Sichuan and Xikang multi-national area modern medical service enterprise: A study of the medical service of the Church of Christ in China.
Chinese Border Mission [Zhonghua Jidujiaohui bianjiang fuwubu 中華基督敎會邊疆服務部], also Border Service Department, Church of Christ in China. Cf. R.G. Tiedemann, Christian missionary societies in China, pp. 243-244.