Subject: Fortune-telling by dreams--China

Dreams, visions and a Taoist-Christian Saint in the ceventeenth-century Jesuit records of the China Mission. [AHSI vol. lxxxviii, fasc. 175 (2019-I)]
AuthorRibeiro, António Vitor
PublisherArchivum Historicum Societatis Iesu
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeExtract (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBF1074.R52 2019d
Descriptionpdf. [p.103-133 (32 p.)]
NoteDreams, visions and a Taoist-Christian Saint in the Seventeenth-Century Jesuit records of the China Mission / António Vitor Ribeiro.
Extract from: Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu vol. lxxxviii, fasc. 175 (2019-I)
Includes bibliographical references (p.131-133)

The interpretation of dreams has always been an important feature of Chinese culture, both learned and popular. This article aims to analyse how Jesuit missionaries in China approached this issue. In theory, missionaries from the Society of Jesus had their own oneirology, inherited from Aristotle, and some of them, such as Francesco Sambiasi and Giulio Aleni, wrote on the matter. However, Jesuit records show that this subject was far from unanimously treated within the Society. Jesuit archives in the Biblioteca da Ajuda (Lisbon) contain several accounts of dreams of Chinese converts, as well as some comments from missionaries on the subject.
This article also contains a case-study of dream accounts and visions of a Chinese convert whose biography was written by Jacques Motel SJ (1616–92).
Summary also in Portuguese.

Local access dig.pdf. [Ribeiro-Dreams.pdf]

Mengzhan yizhi 夢占逸旨
AuthorChen Shiyuan 陳士元, jinshi 1544
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherShangwu yinshuguan 商務印書館
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
TypeBook (Text in Collection)
SeriesCongshu jicheng chubian 叢書集成初編 ; 0727
ShelfAdmin. Office Gallery
Call NumberAC149.T76 1935 v. 0727
Description1, 72 p. ; 17.5 cm.
NoteMengzhan yizhi 夢占逸旨 / Chen Shiyuan zuan 陳士元纂.