Subject: Time perspective--China

Modes of power: time, temporality, and calendar reform by Jesuit missionaries in Late Imperial China. [electronic resource]
AuthorBlasingame, Ryan S.
PublisherDigital Archive @ GSU
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeThesis/Dissertation (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberQB209.B63 2013d - [2013-05-11T07:00:00Z]
Descriptiondig.pdf. 66 [vii, 57 p.]
NoteModes of power: time, temporality, and calendar reform by Jesuit missionaries in Late Imperial China. [electronic resource].
Thesis (M.A. : History :Georgia State University)
Online access: GSU Digital Archive.[accessed 10-8-13]
INDEX WORDS: Time, Temporality, Power, Society of Jesus, Jesuit, Imperial China, Calendar reform, Matteo Ricci, Johann Adam Schall von Bell, Natural philosophy.
Local access dig.pdf. [Blasingame-Modes of Power.pdf]

This work explores the relationship between time, temporality, and power by utilizing interactions between Jesuit missionaries and the Ming and Qing governments of late imperial China as a case study. It outlines the complex relationship between knowledge of celestial mechanics, methods of measuring the passage of time, and the tightly controlled circumstances in which that knowledge was allowed to operate. Just as the Chinese courts exercised authority over time and the heavens, so too had the Catholic Church in Europe. So as messengers of God’s authority, the Jesuits identified the importance of astronomical and temporal authority in Chinese culture and sought to convey the supremacy of Christianity through their mastery of the stars and negotiate positions of power within both imperial governments.

temps ... et autres
AuthorLarre, Claude
PublisherInstitut Ricci
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfDir. Office Gallery
Call NumberDS734.7.L37 1982
Description62 p. ; 21 x 30 cm.
NoteLe temps ... et autres / Claude Larre. [1982?]
"Trois articles sur le temps, la connaissance scientifique et le Ciel, réunis pour les lecteurs curieux de la pensée chinoise, les acupuncteurs et les étudiants en sinologie.".
Includes bibliographical references.
[1]. Aperception empirique du temps et conception de l'histoire dans la pensée chinoise. [2]. Reflexions sur la connaisance scientifique et la difference culturelle. [3]. Tian, le ciel des chinois.
Time and space in Chinese culture
AuthorZürcher, E. (Erik)Huang Chün-chieh [Huang Junjie 黃俊傑], 1946-
PublisherE.J. Brill
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeBook, Digital Book (PDF)
SeriesSinica Leidensia ; 33
ShelfHallway Cases, Digital Archives
Call NumberDS721.T528 1995
Descriptionvi, 400 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
NoteTime and space in Chinese culture / edited by Chün-chieh Huang and Erik Zürcher.
Includes bibliographical references.
Local access dig.pdf [Time and space in Chinese culture.pdf]
ISBN9004102876 ; 9789004102873
Time, science, and society in China and the West
AuthorHaber, Francis C.International Society for the Study of TimeFraser, J. T. (Julius Thomas), 1923-2010Lawrence, Nathaniel M. (Nathaniel Morris), 1917-1986
PublisherUniversity of Massachusetts Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library
SeriesStudy of time ; 5
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberQB209.I55 1986
Descriptionxv, 262 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.
NoteTime, science, and society in China and the West / edited by J.T. Fraser, N. Lawrence, and F.C. Haber.
Consists of papers from the fifth conference of the International Society for the Study of Time, held at the Castello di Gargonza, Tuscany, in 1983?
Includes bibliographical references.

The origins of time / Nathaniel Lawrence -- Scientific explanation and the evolution of time / Conrad Dale Johnson -- J.T. Fraser's "levels of temporality" as cognitive representations / John A. Michon -- The emergence of time / Denis Corish -- Time, technology, religion, and productivity values in early modern Europe / Francis C. Haber -- Literary images of progress / Samuel L. Macey -- Reflections on time in Indian philosophy -- The shape of time in African music / Ruth M. Stone -- Temporal linearity and nonlinearity in music / Jonathan D. Kramer -- Humanities and the experiences of time / George H. Ford -- On the limits of empirical knowledge in the traditional Chinese sciences / N. Sivin -- The evolution of Chines science and technology / Jin Guantao, Fan Dainian, Fan Hongye, and Liu Qingfeng -- Cultural and intellectual attitudes that prevented the spontaneous emergence of modern science in China / Qiu Renzong -- Progressive and regressive time cycles in Taoist ritual / Kristofer Schipper and Wang Hsiu-Huei -- Mohist views of time and space / Zhang Yinzhi -- Chinese traditional medicine / Hans Ågren -- Zi Wu flow theory and time / Lo Huisheng -- Time in archaeological thought Synnove Vinsrygg -- Space and time in Chinese verse / Frederick Turner.

ISBN0870234951 ; 9780870234958