Subject: China--Foreign relations--Great Britain--19th century

anti-foreign riots in China in 1891. [Hunan, a record of a six weeks' trip]
AuthorNorth-China Daily News & Herald, Limited
PlaceShanghai 上海
PublisherNorth China Herald
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC]
TypeBook (Photocopy)
ShelfAdmin. Office
Call NumberDS754.18.A575 1892x
Descriptionphotocopy, bound [304 p.]
NoteThe anti-foreign riots in China in 1891. Printed at the "North-China Herald" Office, 1892.
Photocopy. Each page represents two pages of the original.
Cover title.
A compilation of articles, letters etc. first published in the North China daily news or the North China herald.

The riots : an account -- The riots : their causes -- The riots : their remedies -- Appendix : Hunan, a record of a six weeks' trip.

This text available online at Hathi Trust.

British diplomacy in China, 1880 to 1885
AuthorKiernan, V. G. (Victor Gordon), 1913-2009
PlaceTaibei 台北
PublisherRainbow-Bridge Book Co. 虹橋書店
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC]
ShelfDir. Office Gallery North
Call NumberDS740.5.G5 K5 1974
Descriptionxxix, 327 p. ; 20 cm.
NoteBritish diplomacy in China, 1880 to 1885 / by E.V.G. Kiernan.
Reprint. Previously published: Cambridge [England] : University Press, [1970]. Octagon ed. With a new foreword by the author.
Title in Chinese at head of t.p.: 英國外交在中國
Includes bibliographical references (p. [316]-320) and index.
Chang Hsi and the treaty of Nanking, 1842. [Fuyi riji 撫夷日記. English]
AuthorTeng Ssu-yū 鄧嗣禹, b. 1906Zhang Xi 張喜, fl. 1800-1842
PublisherUniversity of Chicago Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library [S6]
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberDS757.5.T4 1944
Descriptionxi, 191 p. : map ; 24 cm.
NoteChang Hsi and the treaty of Nanking, 1842 / by Ssu-yü Teng.
Annotated translation of the Fuyi riji (the diary of Zhang Xi): p. 14-115.
Bibliographical notes: p. 122-137.
Library copy imperfect: t.p. wanting.
China and Great Britain : the diplomacy of commercial relations, 1860-1864. [中英外交與商業關係]
AuthorDean, Britten
PlaceTaibei Shi 臺北市
PublisherRainbow-Bridge Book Co. 虹橋書店
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC]
SeriesHarvard East Asian monographs ; 50
ShelfDir. Office Gallery North
Call NumberHF3778.G7 D4 1974b
Description223 p. ; 26 cm.
NoteChina and Great Britain : the diplomacy of commercial relations, 1860-1864 / by Britten Dean.
Taiwan reprint of East Asian Research Center, Harvard University (1974) edition.
Cover title also in Chinese: 中英外交與商業關係.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 187-209) and index.
China in transformation
AuthorColquhoun, Archibald R. (Archibald Ross), 1848-1914
PlaceNew York
PublisherHarper & Bros.
CollectionRicci Institute [AEC]
ShelfStacks [AEC]
Call NumberDS709.C72 1898
Descriptionviii, 397 p. : illustrations, folded maps ; 23 cm

China in transformation / by Archibald R. Colquhoun.
Includes bibliography (p.386-388) and index.
Also online at

crucial years of early Anglo-Chinese relations, 1750-1800
AuthorPritchard, Earl Hampton, 1907-1995
PlaceTaibei Shi 台北市
PublisherRainbow-Bridge Book Co. 虹橋書店
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC]
ShelfDir. Office Gallery North
Call NumberDS740.5.G5 P73 1973
Description[95]-442 p. ; 20 cm.
NoteThe crucial years of early Anglo-Chinese relations, 1750-1800 / by Earl H. Pritchard.
Added title in Chinese: 中英關係早期五十年.
"Originally published 1936."
Includes bibliographical references (pages 403-430) and index.
Un choc de cultures : La vision des chinois
AuthorPeyrefitte, Alain, 1925-1999Darrobers, Roger
CollectionRicci Institute Library [CS]
ShelfDirector's Office
Call NumberDS754.8.P49 1991 v.1
Descriptiont.1 [cxxvii, 522 p.] ; 24 cm.
NoteUn choc de cultures / [documents présentés par] Alain Peyrefitte ; textes chinois originaux traduits par Roger Darrobers ... [et al.].
Translation of original documents; set serves as companion to Peyrefitte's L'Empire immobile.
Includes bibliographical references (v. 1, p. 507-[514]).
t. 1. Vision des chinois / textes chinois originaux traduits par Roger Darrobers ... [et al.] -- t. 2. Le regard des Anglais.