Subject: Gongshan Dulongzu Nuzu Zizhixian 貢山獨龍族怒族自治縣--Religious life and customs

Anuren : tongyi wuyan xia de butong zongjiao xinyang 阿怒人 : 同一屋檐下的不同宗教信仰 = The Anung : different religious beliefs under one roof
AuthorHe Lin 何林, 1971-
PlaceKunming 昆明
PublisherYunnan daxue chubanshe 雲南大學出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
ShelfDirector's Office
Call NumberDS731.N82 H4 2008
Description4, 3, 3, 3,3, 220 p., 4 p. of color ill. ; 24 cm.
NoteAnuren : tongyi wuyan xia de butong zongjiao xinyang 阿怒人 : 同一屋檐下的不同宗教信仰 = The Anung : different religious beliefs under one roof / He Lin zhu 何林著.
Table of contents and introduction also in English.
Includes bibliographical references.
"本書內容包括:阿怒人與阿怒地——歷史與現狀、同一屋簷下的人們——阿怒人的家庭、家庭視野中的世界、家庭間的平等聯阿怒人的婚姻等。"--Vendor description. Further information, including Table of Contents, located here and other vendor sites.