Subject: Porcelain industry--China--Jingdezhen 景德鎮--History

imperial porcelain wares of the late Qing dynasty
AuthorKwan, Simon S.M. [Guan Shanming 關善明], 1941-
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeThesis/Dissertation (PDF)
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberNK4566.J56 K93 1989d
Descriptiondig.pdf. [2 v. : ill. ; 30 cm.]
NoteThe imperial porcelain wares of the late Qing dynasty / Simon S.M. Kwan.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Hong Kong, 1989.
Includes bibliographical references.
Online at HKU Scholars Hub.
Local access dig.pdf. [Kwan-Qing porcelain.pdf]
Ming-Qing Jingdezhen chengshi jingji yanjiu 明清景德鎮城市經濟研究
AuthorLiang Miaotai 梁淼泰
PlaceNanchang 南昌
PublisherJiangxi renmin chubanshe 江西人民出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberHC428.C48 L53 1991
Description2, 388, p. ; 21 cm
NoteMing-Qing Jingdezhen chengshi jingji yanjiu 明清景德鎮城市經濟研究 / Liang Miaotai zhu 梁淼泰著.
Cover title also in pinyin: Ming Qing Jingdezhen chengshijingjiyanjiu.
ALternate title in English: Studies of Jing De Zhen's urban economy during the Ming and Qing dynasties.
"Ci xiang yanjiu shou guojia shehui kexue jijin zizhu 此項研究受國家社會科学基金資".
Introduction and table of contents also in English.
Includes bibliographical references
vase project : made in China : landscape in blue
AuthorDiduk, BarbaraLafayette College (Easton, Pa.). Williams Center Art GalleryHuang, Ellen C. [Huang Ailun 黃愛倫]
PlaceEaston, PA
PublisherLafayette College, Williams Center Art Gallery
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeBook (Exhibition catalog)
ShelfDirector's Office
Call NumberNK4566.V3 D52 2011
Description58 p. : ill. (chiefly color), map ; 21 x 26 cm.
NoteThe vase project : made in China : landscape in blue / Barbara Diduk with Zhao Yu.
Published in conjunction with the exhibition at the Williams Center Art Gallery, Lafayette College, April 1-May 21, 2011.
Catalog of an installation of 101 qing hua (blue-and-white vases) displayed in the order they were painted.
Edited by Gerald C. Zeigerman; introduction by Michiko Okaya; essays by Ronald Kuchta, Ellen Huang, Ingrid Furniss, and Maris Boyd Gillette.
Designed by Gayle F. Hendricks; art direction by Donna Kneule.
Includes essay: Variation on a theme of production: Jingdezhen "China" by Ellen Huang.
Includes bibliographical references.
See also The Vase Project online.
ISBN9780966032284 ; 0966032284