Subject: Philosophy, Confucian--Christian interpretations

Confucian-Christian encounters in historical and contemporary perspective
AuthorLee, Peter K. H. [Li Jingxiong 李景雄], 1930-
PlaceLewiston, NY
PublisherE. Mellen Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library
SeriesReligions in dialogue ; v. 5
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBR128.C43 C66 1992
Descriptionxiv, 479 p. ; 24 cm.
NoteConfucian-Christian encounters in historical and contemporary perspective / edited by Peter K.H. Lee.
"This book is the result of an international Confucian-Christian conference held in Hong Kong, June 8-15, 1988"--Pref.
Includes bibliographical references.

Contents: Foreward / Phillip Shen -- Catholic-Confucian dialogue in historical perspective / John Tong -- Preparation for Christian-Confucian encounter : the Protestant story / Peter K.H. Lee -- The present world stage for Confucian-Christian interchange / Frank Whaling -- Hermeneutics and critical theory : toward Confucian self-understanding / Alan K.L. Chan -- Some reflections on what contemporary neo-Confucianists may learn from Christianity / Liu Shu-hsien 劉述先 -- Ponderings on the Confucian-Christian encounter / Paul V. Martinson -- Some critical issues in Asian theological thinking / Peter K.H. Lee.
Confucian thought and theological reflection in China today / Shen Yifan -- Destruction, reflection and rebirth / Wang Weifan 汪維藩 -- Christianity in the light of contemporary culture in mainland China / Liu Xiaofeng 劉小楓 -- Convergence between modernized Confucian thought and Christian belief / Stanislaus Lo Kuang -- Transcedence and immanence in Confucian philosophy / Tang Yijie 湯一介 -- Silent heaven giving birth to the multitude of people / Kim Sung Hei -- The Confucian heaven and the Christian God / Fu Pei-jung 傅佩榮 -- A response : God is not only judge / Bartholomew P.M. Tsui.
Trends in interpretation of Confucian religiosity / John Berthrong -- Jen and love / Frank Whaling -- Individuation in Confucianism and Christianity / Robert C. Neville -- The ethics of Confucianism and Christianity : the delicate balance / Robert E. Allinson -- Yin-Yang thought and the status of women / Pao Chia-lin 鮑家麟 -- Justice and righteousness in the Bible and the Ancient Near East : a recapituation in dialogue with Confucian thought / Richard A. Henshaw -- The prophetic voice in the Confucian noble man / Wm. Theodore de Bary.
Confucianism, science and technology / Vincent C.S. Shen -- Some problems of modernization in Confucianism / Julia Ching -- Confucian-Protestant encounter in Korea : two cases of westernization and de-westernization / Chung Chai Sik -- The principle of order in the West / Langdon Gilkey -- Ta-t'ung 大同 and the kingdom of God / Peter K.H. Lee & Wong Yuk -- Reflections of Confucian-Christian dialogue in a global context / Judith A. Berling.

Ru-Ye duihua xin licheng 儒耶對話新里程. [A new stage in Christian-Confucian dialogue]
AuthorLai Pan-Chiu [Lai Pinchao] 賴品超Lee, Peter K. H. [Li Jingxiong 李景雄], 1930-
PlaceXianggang 香港
PublisherXianggang Zhongwen daxue Chong Ji xueyuan 香港中文大學崇基學院
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesZongjiao yu Zhongguo shehui yanjiu congshu 宗敎與中國社會硏究叢書 ; 2
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberBL1802.Z654 no.2
Descriptionx, 388 p. ; 21 cm.
NoteRu-Ye duihua xinli cheng 儒耶對話新里程 / Lai Pinchao, Li Jingxiong bian 賴品超, 李景雄編.
Colophon title also in English: A new stage in Christian-Confucian dialogue.
"Zhongwen daxue Chong Ji xueyuan zongjiao yu Zhongguo shehui yanjiu zhongxin 香港中文大學崇基學院宗教與中國社會研究中心."
Includes bibliographical references.

文明前景 : 二十一世紀的新探索: 天道, 人性與文明 / 成中英. 異與同: 由一個比較觀點論世界倫理之可能性 / 劉述先. 文化危機與人性復甦淺議 / 章開沅.
自然生態 : 道德的生態觀: 宋明儒學仁說的生態面向及其現代詮釋 / 陳來. 基督教生態神學可向儒家學些甚麼? / 顧品超. 儒家傳統與基督宗教的自然律 / 趙敦華. 初探生態女性主義與傭家哲學中之自然觀 / 文潔華.
人性對觀 : 上帝形象與天命: 約翰﹒加爾文與李退溪的人性觀 / 金洽榮 [Kim Heup Young] (陳家富譯). 朱熹和田立克: 對人類境況詮釋的比較 / 區建銘. 基督教與中西文化傳統的人性觀 / 楊適.
人與社群 : 跨越邊界:希伯來《詩篇》與中國《詩經》對人性的想像 / 李熾且 (李凌瀚譯). 孔, 孟, 荀與潘霍華的群己觀: 從成人之追著眼 / 鄧紹光. 儒家與基督教的人格觀中關係的中心性地位 / 許志偉.
天人之際: 聖智者耶穌基督 / 李景雄. 天國與人間的緊張關係: 比較基督教與儒家的處理方法 / 陳特. 基督教的「內在與超越」神觀: 對劉述先「純粹超越神觀」的倒應 / 郭鴻標.
對話會通 : 批判與會通:論當代新儒家與基曾教的對話 / 鄭宗義. 全人修身的再思: 以轉化模式重新理解儒耶對話 / 費樂仁 [Lauren Pfister] (楊國強譯). 三重文化身份的融合: 中國現代歷史行程中的英家三代 / 梁元生.

ISBN9628525581 ; 9789628525584