Subject: Architecture, Chinese--Pictorial works

Carpentry and building in late imperial China : a study of the fifteenth-century carpenter's manual, Lu Ban jing 魯班經. [Lu Ban yingzao zhengshi 魯班營造正式]
AuthorRuitenbeek, KlaasLu Ban 魯班, ca. 507–440 B.C.
PublisherE.J. Brill
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Edition2nd rev. ed.
LanguageEnglish, Chinese
TypeDigital Book (PDF)
SeriesSinica Leidensia ; 23
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberTH5603.R85 1996d
Descriptiondig.pdf. [xvi, 520 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.]

Carpentry and building in late imperial China : a study of the fifteenth-century carpenter's manual, Lu Ban jing / by Klaas Ruitenbeek.
Includes text of Lu Ban jing 魯班經 in English and Chinese.
Includes bibliographical references (p. [489]-510) and index.

Local access dig.pdf. [Lu Ban jing.pdf]

ISBN9004105298 ; 9789004105294
China's Old Dwellings
AuthorKnapp, Ronald G., 1940-
PublisherUniversity of Hawaii Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC]
ShelfStacks [ASCC]
Call NumberNA7448.K567 2000
Descriptionxi, 362 pages : illustrations, maps ; 27 cm.

China's Old Dwellings / Ronald G. Knapp.


"A critical examination of China's folk architectural forms, providing a study of the environmental, historical and social factors that influence housing forms for nearly a quarter of the world's population. It draws on the author's 30 years of fieldwork and travel in China."

ISBN9780824820756 ; 9780824822149
Kongzi 孔子 = Confucius
AuthorShandong Sheng Qufu wenwu guanli weiyuanhui 山東省曲阜文物管理委員會Zhongguo Kongzi jijinhui 中國孔子基金會
PlaceShandong Sheng Jinan Shi 山東省濟南市
PublisherShandong Sheng chuban zongshe 山東省出版總社
CollectionRicci Institute Library [VS]
SeriesKongzi wenhua daquan 孔子文化大全 = The complete works of Confucian culture
ShelfAdmin. Office
Call NumberB128.C8 K834 1989
Description169 p. : chiefly color ill. ; 29 cm.
NoteKongzi 孔子 / Zhongguo Kongzi jijinhui ; Zhongguo Qufu Shi wenwu guanli weiyuanhui ; Zhongguo Shandong huabaoshe 中國孔子基金會, 中國曲阜市文物管理委員會, 中國山東畫報社 = Confucius / Confucius Foundation of China ; The Administration of Historic Relics, Qufu, China ; Shandong Pictorial Publishing House, China.
At base of title: Confucius Foundation of China; The Administration of Historic Relics, Qufu, China; Shandong Pictorial Publishing House, China.
Parallel text in English and Chinese.
ISBN7805511489 ; 9787805511481
Picturing technology in China : from earliest times to the nineteenth century
AuthorGolas, Peter J.
PlaceHong Kong 香港
PublisherHong Kong University Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library
TypeBook, Digital Book (PDF)
ShelfHallway Cases, Digital Archives
Call NumberT10.5.G65 2015
Descriptionxxix, 205 p. : ill. ; 23.5 cm. + pdf
NotePicturing technology in China : from earliest times to the nineteenth century / Peter J. Golas.
Includes bibliography [p. [181]-198] and index.

1. Early Graphics in China - Pictorial Writing - Geometrical Designs - From Ornament to Narrative: Warring States and Han Illustrations - Early Farming Paintings
2. Han to Tang: Realism on the Rise - Aesthetics and Realism to the Fore- Scale Drawing and Perspective - The Dominance of Brush and Line - Models, Automata, and Technological Drawing - The Advent of Woodblock Printing
3. Song and Yuan: A Golden Age - Ruled-line Painting and Its Critics - Government, Printing, and Technological Representations - The Collection of the Most Important Military Techniques (Wujing zongyao) - The New Armillary Sphere and Celestial Globe System Essentials (Xinyixiang fayao) - The Building Standards (Yingzao fashi) - The Pictures of Tilling and Weaving (Geng zhi tu) - The Agricultural Treatise (Nongshu) of Wang Zhen
4. The New Confucian Paradigm - Realism in Retreat - Elite Dominance of Painting - "Historical" Painting - Philosophic Contributions to the New Painting Aesthetic - Painting and Calligraphy
5. Late Ming and The Exploitation of the Works of Nature - The Exploitation of the Works of Nature: A Culmination of Sorts - Song Yingxing and His World - Book Illustration in the Late Ming - Why This Work? - Assessing the Illustrations - Production Challenges - The Later History of the Illustrations
6. Qing Developments: Roads Not Taken - The Seventeenth-Century Transition - The Jesuit Contribution and Its Limited Impact - A Qualified Last Hurrah for Realism: Architectural Painting in the Qing
Closing Comments - Non-technological Aims in Portrayals of Technology - Pre-eminence of Agriculture and Human Inputs - Underrepresented Technologies - The Absence of Standards for Technical Drawing - The Role of Government Workshops - Maturity or Stagnation?

Local access dig.pdf. [Golas-Picturing technology China.pdf]

ISBN9789888208159 ; 9888208152
Shanghai jindai jianzhu shigao 上海近代建築史稿
AuthorChen Congzhou 陳從周, 1918-2000Shanghai Shi minyong jianzhu shejiyuan 上海市民用建築設計院
PlaceShanghai Shi 上海市
PublisherShanghai Sanlian shudian 上海三聯書店
CollectionRicci Institute Library [VS]
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
ShelfAdmin. Office
Call NumberNA1547.S5 S48 1988
Description3, 226 p. : ill., maps ; 27 cm.

Shanghai jindai jianzhu shigao 上海近代建築史稿 / Chen Congzhou, Zhang Ming zhubian 陳從周, 章明主編 ; Shanghai Shi minyong jianzhu shejiyuan bianzhu 上海市民用建築設計院編著.

ISBN7542600737 ; 9787542600738
Treasures of China
AuthorJuliano, Annette L.
PlaceNew York
PublisherRichard Marek Publishers
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfDirector's Office
Call NumberN7340.J78 1981
Description192 p. : ill. (some col) ; 29 cm.
NoteTreasures of China / Annette Juliano.
Bibliography: p. 186-188. Includes index.
ISBN0399901051 ; 9780399901058
Yanyu loutai : Beijing daxue tushuguancang Xijizhong de Qingdaijianzhu tuxiang 煙雨樓臺 : 北京大學圖書館藏西籍中的清代建筑圖像
AuthorBeijing daxue tushuguan 北京大學圖書館
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherZhongguo Renmin daxue chubanshe 中國人民大學出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese, English
SeriesGuojia Qingshi bianzuan weiyuanhui tulu congkan 國家清史編纂委員會圖錄叢刊
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberDS709.B45 2008
Description4, 3, 11, 313 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.
NoteYanyu loutai : Beijing daxue tushuguancang Xijizhong de Qingdaijianzhu tuxiang 煙雨樓臺 : 北京大學圖書館藏西籍中的清代建筑圖像 / Beijing daxue tushuguan bian 北京大學圖書館編.

Engravings and photographs of Chinese architectural landmarks, all from Western sources (postcards, prints, etc). Arranged by architectural type, with original captions (in English, French, German, etc.) and explanation in Chinese with historical information on the site.
Engravings by Bonnetain, Hooker, Allom, Wells Williams, Swinhoe; photographs by Bockenheimer, Thompson, Lynch, Borel, Boerschmann, Hedin, Lidell, Krausse, Navarra, Geil, Hesse-Wartegg, Denby, Forsyth, Martin, Piassetsky, Bird, etc.

Zhongguo meishu quanji : jianzhu yishi bian 中國美術全集:建築藝術編
AuthorZhongguo meishu quanji bianji weiyuanhui 中國美術全集編輯委員會
PlaceBeijing 北京
PublisherZhongguo jianzhu gongye chubanshe 中國建築工業出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC-MQT]
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfStacks [ASCC-MQT]
Call NumberNA1540.C596 1988
Description3 vols. (out of 6) : illustrations (some color) ; 30 cm.

Zhongguo meishu quanji : jianzhu yishi bian 中國美術全集:建築藝術編 / Zhongguo meishu quanji bianji weiyuanhui 中國美術全集編輯委員會.

4th printing of 1995.

Includes vols.:
1. Palace architecture 宮殿建築
2. Tombs 陵墓建築
4. Religious architecture 宗教建築