Author | Burkett, Delbert Royce |
Place | Cambridge, Eng. |
Publisher | Cambridge University Press |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Edition | Reprint |
Language | English |
Type | Book |
Shelf | Reading Room |
Call Number | BS2330.3.B87 2002 |
Description | xv, 600 p. : ill., maps ; 26 cm. |
Note | An introduction to the New Testament and the origins of Christianity / Delbert Burkett. Includes bibliographical references and index. Contents: pt. I: Historical and religious background. Introduction -- Jews among Greeks and Romans -- Religion of Second-Temple Judaism -- Varieties of Second-Temple Judaism -- Jewish hopes for the future -- Hellenistic religion, philosophy, and world-view -- An overview of early Christian history -- The making of the New Testament -- pt. II: Jesus and the Gospels. Introduction to the Gospels -- The Synoptic problem -- The Gospel of Mark -- The Gospel of Matthew -- The Gospel of Luke -- The Gospel of John -- The apocryphal Jesus -- The quest for the historical Jesus -- pt. III: Acts. The book of acts -- pt. IV: Pauline Christianity. Paul, his letters, and his churches -- Gentiles and the law (1): Galatians -- Gentiles and the law (2): Romans -- Problems of church life: 1 Corinthians -- Problems of church life: 2 Corinthians -- The imminent parousia: 1 and 2 Thessalonians -- Prison epistles (1): Philippians and Philemon -- Prison epistles (2): Colossians and Ephesians -- pt. V: Judaic Christianity. Judaic Christianity -- The letter of James -- The Didache -- pt. VI: Gnostic Christianity. Gnostic Christianity -- The Gospel of Thomas -- pt. VII: Proto-Orthodox Christianity. Proto-Orthodox Christianity -- Conflict within the church (1): 1 Clement -- Conflict within the church (2): the pastoral epistles -- Conflict within the church (3): Jude and 2 Peter -- Conflict within the church (4): the Johannine epistles -- Conflict within the church (5): the letters of Ignatius -- Relation of Christianity to Judaism (1): Hebrews -- Relation of Christianity to Judaism (2): the epistle of Barnabas -- Conflict with the Roman world (1): 1 Peter -- Conflict with the Roman world (2): Revelation -- Appendix 1. Lucian on sacrifice -- Appendix 2. The Essenes -- Appendix 3. Jewish Messianic hopes -- Appendix 4. Divine men and their births -- Appendix 5. Apotheoses -- Appendix 6. Miracle stories in the ancient world -- Appendix 7. The infancy Gospel of Thomas -- Appendix 8. The Gospel of Peter -- Appendix 9. The Didache -- Appendix 10. Selections from the Gospel of Thomas -- Appendix 11. Selections from 1 Clement -- Appendix 12. Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans 1-9 -- Appendix 13. Selections from the epistle of Barnabas -- Appendix 14. Conflict with Rome. |
ISBN | 0521007208 |
LCCN | 2001-43103 |
Author | |
Place | Taibei Shi 台北市 |
Publisher | Taipei Ricci Institute 利氏學社 |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Edition | 初版 |
Language | Chinese 中文 |
Type | Book (Text in Collection) |
Series | Xujiahui cangshulou Ming-Qing Tianzhujiao wenxian xubian 徐家匯藏書樓明清天主教文獻續編 |
Shelf | Hallway Cases |
Call Number | BX1665.A2 X845 2013 v.16 |
Description | pp. 1-54 ; 22.5 cm. |
Note | Renlei yuanliu 人類源流 / 無名氏. In vol. 16 of: Xujiahui cangshulou Ming-Qing Tianzhujiao wenxian xubian 徐家匯藏書樓明清天主教文獻續編. --第 16 冊: 33. 人類源流 (無名氏) c. 1723 (includes a list of popes from St. Peter to Innocent XII (reigned 1721-1724)) Cf. Ad Dudink & Nicolas Standaert, Chinese Christian Texts Database (CCT-Database). |
Author | |
Place | Taibei Shi 台北市 |
Publisher | Taipei Ricci Institute 利氏學社 |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Edition | 初版 |
Language | Chinese 中文 |
Type | Manuscript (in print collection) |
Series | Xujiahui cangshulou Ming-Qing Tianzhujiao wenxian xubian 徐家匯藏書樓明清天主教文獻續編 |
Shelf | Hallway Cases |
Call Number | BX1665.A2 X845 2013 v.26 |
Description | pp. 487-575 ; 22 cm. |
Note | Renlei yuanliu 人類源流 / 無名氏. In collection: Xujiahui cangshulou Ming-Qing Tianzhujiao wenxian xubian 徐家匯藏書樓明清天主教文獻續編. --80. 人類源流 (無名氏) Cf. Ad Dudink & Nicolas Standaert, Chinese Christian Texts Database (CCT-Database). |
Author | Kirisuto kotan 2000nen Tōkyō Dai Seisho Ten Jikko Iinkai キリスト降誕2000年東京大聖書展実行委員会 |
Place | Tōkyō 東京 |
Publisher | Asahi Shinbunsha 朝日新聞社 |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Language | Japanese-English |
Type | Book (Exhibition catalog) |
Shelf | Admin. Office |
Call Number | BS538.7.T7 2000 |
Description | 118 p. : color ill. ; 29.5 cm. |
Note | Shikai shahon to seisho no sekai 死海写本と聖書の世界 = The Dead Sea scrolls and the world of Bible : Kirisuto kōtan 2000nen Tōkyō daiseishoten kōshiki tenjihin katarogu キリスト降誕2000年「東京大聖書展」公式展示品カタログ / Kirisuto kotan 2000nen "Tokyo Dai Seisho Ten" Jikko Iinkai キリスト降誕2000年「東京大聖書展」実行委員会. At head of title: The official catalogue of "The Tokyo great Bible exhibition" Text in Japanese and English. ***Graphic resource: Qumran scrolls, ancient Israel, pottery, Bibles, Gutzlaff, Xavier, Doctrina cristiana. |
ISBN | 4877381155 ; 9784877381158 |
Author | |
Place | Taibei Shi 台北市 |
Publisher | Taipei Ricci Institute 利氏學社 |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Edition | 初版 |
Language | Chinese 中文 |
Type | Book (Text in Collection) |
Series | Xuezhe wencong 學者文叢 |
Shelf | Hallway Cases |
Call Number | BX1665.A2 X845 2013 v.17 |
Description | pp. 605-612 ; 22.5 cm. |
Note | Tianjiao lüeyi 天教略意 / 無名氏. In vol. 17 of: Xujiahui cangshulou Ming-Qing Tianzhujiao wenxian xubian 徐家匯藏書樓明清天主教文獻續編. -- 46. 天教略意 (無名氏) |