Author: Cai Guimei 蔡貴美, fl. 1964-1984

Youmo yu Dong-Xifang wenxue 幽黙與東西方文學 : di-saqi jie guoji bihui lunwenji 第卅七屆國際筆會論文集 [Humour in literature: East and West. Chinese. Selections]
Publish_locationTaibei Shi 臺北市
PublisherGuangqi chubanshe 光啟出版社, Xianzhi chubanshe 先知出版社
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesWenyi congshu 文藝叢書 ; 43
Call NumberPN6147.H867 I683 1974
Description197, [4] p. ; 19 cm.
NoteYoumo yu Dong-Xifang wenxue 幽黙與東西方文學 : di-saqi jie guoji bihui lunwenji 第卅七屆國際筆會論文集 / Lin Yutang deng bian 林語堂等編 ; Cai Guimei bianyi 蔡貴美編譯.
On verso of t. p.: Humor and the East-West literature : the 37th International P.E.N. Congress in Seoul, 1970. Translated by T'sai Kuei-Mei.
Title: Humor and the East-West literature : the 37th International P.E.N. Congress in Seoul, 1970.
Minguo 民國 63
SubjectP.E.N. Clubs--International Congresses--Proceeds Wit and humor--History and criticism