Author: Lu Zhen 路振, 957-1014

Jiuguozhi 九國志
Publish_locationShanghai 上海
PublisherShangwu yinshuguan 商務印書館
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesGuoxue jiben congshu 國學基本叢書, Wanyou wenku 萬有文庫 ; 第2集 ; 689種
Call NumberAC269.S416 1936 v. 2 ; 689
Description3, 129 p. ; 18 cm.
NoteJiuguozhi 九國志 : [12卷] : Fu 附: Shiyi 拾遺 / Lu Zhen zhuan 路振撰 ; Zhang Tangying bu 張唐英補; Shao Jinhan lu 邵晉涵錄 ; Zhou Mengtang bianci 周夢棠編次.
Title: Jiuguozhi shiyi 九國志拾遺.
Minguo 民國 26

Jiuguo zhi 九國志 (Monographs of the Nine Kingdoms) ... the work was completed in the Song (1064). The tenth kingdom, Northern Chu 北楚, was added by Zhang Tangying 張唐英. Recovered from the Yongle dadian in the Qing. Wilkinson, Chinese History, a Manual, p. 822.

SubjectChina--History--Five dynasties and the Ten Kingdoms, 907-979 China--History--Five dynasties and the Ten kingdoms, 907-979--Biography
Jiuguozhi 九國志. Jiuguozhi shiyi 九國志拾遺
Publish_locationShanghai 上海
PublisherShangwu yinshuguan 商務印書館
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesCongshu jicheng chubian 叢書集成初編 ; 3843-3844
ShelfAdmin. Office Gallery
Call NumberAC149.T76 1936 v. 3843-3844
Description2 v. (3, 129, 1 p.) ; 17.5 cm.
NoteJiuguozhi 九國志 : [12卷] : fu shiyi 附拾遺 / Lu Zhen zhuan 路振撰.
"據守山閣叢書海山仙館叢書及粵雅堂叢書本排印"--colophon. 民國26 [1937].
Jiuguo zhi 九國志 (Monographs of the nine kingdoms) ... the work was completed in the Song (1064). The tenth kingdom, Northern Chu 北楚, was added by Zhang Tangying 張唐英. Recovered from the Yongle dadian in the Qing. Wilkinson, Chinese history, a manual, p. 822.
SubjectChina--History--Five dynasties and the Ten Kingdoms, 907-979 China--History--Five dynasties and the Ten kingdoms, 907-979--Biography