Author: Wang Shaozhi 王韶之, 380-435

Lingbiao luyi 嶺表錄異. Shixingji 始興記. Nanhai baiyong 南海百詠
Publish_locationShanghai 上海
PublisherShangwu yinshuguan 商務印書館
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesCongshu jicheng chubian 叢書集成初編 ; 3123
ShelfAdmin. Office Gallery
Call NumberAC149.T76 1936 v. 3123
Description2, 24, 4, [4], 28, [5] p. ; 17.5 cm.
NoteLingbiao luyi 嶺表錄異 : [上中下卷] / Liu Xun zhuan 劉恂撰. Shixingji 始興記 / Wang Shaozhi zhuan 王韶之撰. Nanhai baiyong 南海百詠 / Fang Xinru zhuan 方信孺撰.
"據聚珍版叢書本排印"--colophon (嶺表錄異).
"據嶺南遺書本排印"--colophon (始興記).
"據琳瑯祕室叢書本排印"--colophon (南海百詠). 民國25 [1936].
SubjectGuangdong Sheng 廣東省--Description and travel Guangxi Sheng 廣西省--Description and travel Guangdong Sheng 廣東省--Social life and customs China, Southwest--Social life and customs China, Southwest--Description and travel Guangxi Sheng 廣西省--Social life and customs