Author: Fang Xiaofen 方小芬

Zhongguoshi liri he Zhong-Xi liri duizhao biao 中國史歴日和中西歷日對照表
Publish_locationShanghai 上海
PublisherShanghai cishu chubanshe 上海辭書出版社
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
ShelfHallway Cases
Call NumberCE15.F36 1987
Description884 p. ; 27 cm.
NoteZhongguoshi liri he Zhong-Xi liri duizhao biao 中國史歴日和中西歷日對照表 / Fang Shiming, Fang Xiaofen bianzhu 方詩銘, 方小芬編著.
Includes index.

Zhongguoshi liri he Zhong-Xi liri duizhao biao 中國史歴日和中西歷日對照表 (Chinese historical calendar days and a calendrical concordance of Chinese and Western days) .... The compilers have made good use of earlier calendrical concordances, the mistakes in eight of which are noted at the dates where they occur. They have also taken into account recent archaeological discoveries. Throughout all the tables, the format is the same: four years to the page with the first day of each of the three 10-day periods (xun 旬) of each lunar month shown (there is a table listing the 60 ganzhi on page 880 to assist finding the ganzhi for other days). Part I covers the years 841 to 1 BC with the date (year, month, day) in the Chinese calendar and the ganzhi equivalents, Appendixes contain a daily concordance for the Yin calendar covering 1384 to 1112 BC; for the Western Zhou calendar for the years 1111 to 842 and for the Former Han (Yin) calendar for the years AD1-1949, but adds the Western calendar month and day equivalents. The dates of the accession and adoption of nianhao are noted. The Taiping calendar is given. An appendix covers the years 1949-2000 with the Western calendar as the base. There is an index of nianhao by stroke count.” – Cf. E. Wilkinson, Chinese history, a manual, pp. 190-191.

SubjectChina--History--Chronology Calendar, Chinese Calendar China--History--Taiping Rebellion, 1850-1864--Calendar