Date | 1977 |
Publish_location | Taibei 台北 |
Publisher | Xinwenfeng chuban 新文豐出版 |
Collection | Bibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu |
Language | Chinese 中文 |
Record_type | Book |
Shelf | Silver Room |
Call Number | BL1900.A3 1977 |
Description | 60 v. (49087 p.) : ill. ; 22 cm. + 1 vol. index. |
Note | Zhengtong Daozang 正統道藏 / [bianzuanzhe Baiyunguan Changchunzhenren 編纂者白雲觀長春眞人 ; Xinwenfeng chuban gongsi bianjibu ji 新文豐出版公司編輯部輯]. "Zongmulu 總目錄 / Baiyun jizhuan 白雲霽撰 ; Xinwenfeng bianshenbu bianji 新文豐編審部編輯" -- Index t.p. Each page represents 2 leaves of the original. 民國66 [1977].
“…collection of scriptures that came to be termed Daozang 道藏 (Daoist canon) grew over the centuries. Since the Tang, the imperial court sponsored its publication on at least five occasions. None have survived. A new version was compiled between 1406 and 1445 and was the first to be printed (in 1447). It is often referred to as the Zhengtong Daozang 正統道藏 (Daoist canon of the Zhengtong era)…..Much of what the Daozang contains cannot be found elsewhere and it is therefore an important source for historians and not only of Daoism.” |
Subject | Daoism--Sacred books Daoist literature, Chinese Daozang 道藏 Daoism--China Daoism--China--Sources |