Author: Zhang Xiaoming 張曉明

Beijing Furen daxue : Tianzhujiao Benduhui shiqi de ge'an yanjiu 北京輔仁大學 : 天主教本篤會時期的個案研究
Publish_locationZhuhai 珠海
PublisherZhuhai chubanshe 珠海出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
SeriesZhongguo jiaohui daxueshi yanjiu congshu 中國教會大學史研究叢書 ; 2
ShelfDirector's Office
Call NumberLD4881.S16588 W8912 2005
Description3, 4, 146 p. ; 20.5 cm.

Beijing Furen daxue : Tianzhujiao Benduhui shiqi de ge'an yanjiu 北京輔仁大學 : 天主教本篤會時期的個案研究 / Wu Xiaoxin zhu 吳小新著 ; Zhang Xiaoming yi 張曉明譯.
Translation of: "A Case study of the Catholic University of Peking during the Benedictine Period, 1927-1993,' by Xiaoxin Wu. (Ph.D. Dissertation, Education. University of San Francisco, 1993.)
"This book is subsidized by the Henry Luce Foundation, U.S.A."
Dang'an ziliao 檔案資料 : p. 132-137. Bibliography: p. 138-144.

Added Keywords: American Benedictine missionaries--Ying Lianzhi 英斂之 -- Beijing Gongjiao daxue 北京公教大學 -- Ma Xiangbo 馬相伯 -- St. Vincent Archabbey--Adelbert Gresnigt--architects, architecture.
Note: Furen University derives its name from a line in the Analects: "yi wen hui you, yi you fu ren 以文會友, 以友輔仁."

SubjectFuren daxue 輔仁大學 (Beijing 北京)--Case studies Education, Higher--China--History--20th century--Case studies Ying Lianzhi 英斂之, 1867-1926 Catholic universities and colleges--China--Beijing--20th century--Case studies Christian colleges--China--Beijing--History Church colleges--China--Beijing--History--20th century