Author: Yu Beishan 于北山

Wenzhang bianti xushuo 文章辨體序說
Publish_locationBeijing 北京
PublisherRenmin wenxue chubanshe 人民文學出版社
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
Edition第1版, 第1次印刷
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
SeriesZhongguo gudian wenxue lilun piping zhuanzhu xuanji 中國古典文學理論批評專著選集
Call NumberPL2261.W825 1962
Description3, 177 p. ; 21 cm.
NoteWenzhang bianti xushuo 文章辨體序說 / Wu Na zhu ; Yu Beishan jiaodian 吳訥著 ; 于北山校點. Wenti mingbian xushuo 文體明辨序說 / Xu Shizeng zhu ; Luo Genze jiaodian 徐師曾著 ; 羅根澤校點.
Bibliographies: p. 60-63; p. 174-177.
Title: Wenti mingbian xushuo 文體明辨序說.

Work 1. Wu Na (Nuo 訥) has written a brief preface (xushuo) to each section, in which he discusses the meaning and historical evolution of each form of writing ... constitute a kind of literary theory ... demonstrate a standard of judgement, but also evaluate the meaning of each type of writing in the entire history of Chinese literature. Modern scholars consider them the most important part of the anthology. -- Cf. Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature, p. 888-889. Also: ... the admirably concise definitions..could well serve as a dictionary of classical literary terms. (Cf. Indiana Companion p. 893-894).

SubjectChinese language--Style Chinese literature--History and criticism--Theory, etc. Literary form--Terminology
Wenzhang bianti xushuo 文章辨體序說. Wenti mingbian xushuo 文體明辨序說
Publish_locationXianggang 香港
PublisherTaiping shuju 太平書局
CollectionRicci Institute Library [F2]
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfDir. Office Gallery
Call NumberPL2261.W825 1965
Description[2], 177 p. ; 21 cm.
NoteWenzhang bianti xushuo 文章辨體序說 / Wu Na zhu ; Yu Beishan jiaodian 吳訥著 ; 于北山校點. Wenti mingbian xushuo 文體明辨序說 / Xu Shizeng zhu ; Luo Genze jiaodian 徐師曾著 ; 羅根澤校點. (part 2)
Bibliographies: p. 60-63; p. 174-177.

Work 1. Wu Na (Nuo 訥) has written a brief preface (xushuo) to each section, in which he discusses the meaning and historical evolution of each form of writing ... constitute a kind of literary theory ... demonstrate a standard of judgement, but also evaluate the meaning of each type of writing in the entire history of Chinese literature. Modern scholars consider them the most important part of the anthology. -- Cf. Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature, p. 888-889. Also: ... the admirably concise definitions..could well serve as a dictionary of classical literary terms. (Cf. Indiana Companion p. 893-894).

SubjectChinese language--Style Chinese literature--History and criticism--Theory, etc. Literary form--Terminology