Author: Thurston, Matilda S. Calder

Ginling College
Publish_locationNew York
PublisherUnited Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfDirector's Office
Call NumberLG51.U5 v.2
Description171 p.: ill.; 19 cm.
NotePart I [by] Mrs. Lawrence Thurston. Part II [by] Ruth M. Chester.
Includes list of errata, glossary of Chinese and Western faculty and index.
Keywords: Jinling College, Jinling nüzi daxue 金陵女子大學, Nanjing 南京, Nanking, Christian colleges, Jiangsu 江蘇, female education, women's colleges, Presbyterian mission, Wu Yifang 吳貽芳.
SubjectChristian colleges--China--Jiangsu Province--History Jinling nüzi daxue 金陵女子大學--History Women's colleges--China--Nanjing--History Universities and colleges--China--Nanjing--History--1911-1949
Jinling nüzi daxue 金陵女子大學. [Ginling College. Chinese]
Publish_locationZhuhai 珠海
PublisherZhuhai chubanshe 珠海出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese 中文[簡體字]
SeriesZhongguo jiaohui daxueshi yanjiu congshu 中國教會大學史研究叢書
ShelfDirector's Office
Call NumberLG51.U52 v. 2
Description[6], 2, 4, 2, 160 p.: ill.; 21 cm.
NoteJinling nüzi daxue 金陵女子大學 / Debenkang furen, Cai Lude zhu ; Yang Tianhong yi ; Wang Weijia jiao 德本康夫人, 蔡路得著 ; 楊天宏譯 ; 王薇佳校.
Translation of: Ginling College. Includes translation postscript.
".... 本書出版得到美國亨利魯斯基金會的贊助.--flyleaf cover."

Keywords: Jinling College, Jinling nüzi daxue 金陵女子大學, Nanjing 南京, Nanking, Christian colleges, Jiangsu 江蘇, female education, women's colleges, Presbyterian mission, Wu Yifang 吳貽芳.

SubjectChristian colleges--China--Jiangsu Province--History Jinling nüzi daxue 金陵女子大學--History Women's colleges--China--Nanjing--History Universities and colleges--China--Nanjing--History--1911-1949