Author: Dunn, Ross E.

Adventures of Ibn Battuta, a Muslim traveler of the fourteenth century
PublisherUniversity of California Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberG93.I24 D86 1986
Descriptionxvi, 357 p. ; 23 cm
NoteThe adventures of Ibn Battuta, a Muslim traveler of the fourteenth century / Ross E. Dunn.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 325-342) and index
Introduction -- Tangier -- The Maghrib -- The Mamluks -- Mecca -- Persia and Iraq -- The Arabian Sea -- Anatolia -- The Steppe -- Delhi -- Malabar and the Maldives -- China -- Home -- Mali -- The Rihla.
Added name access: Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Battuta [Arabic: أبو عبد الله محمد ابن بطوطة ]
Muhammad ibn ‘Abd Allāh ibn Batūtah, bin Battuta, 1304-1377.
Go to Wikipedia entry for Ibn Batuta.

"... Ibn Battuta (1304-1368) was one of the greatest world travelers before the European voyages of discovery..." --Cf. Wilkinson, Chinese History, a manual, p. 756.
Keywords: Magrib, Mamluk Sultanate, Byzantium, Persia, Mongol Empire, Malabar and the Maldives, Mali

SubjectTravelers--Islamic Empire--Biography Travel, Medieval China--Description and travel--Yuan dynasty, 1260-1368--Arabic sources Ibn Batuta, 1304-1377 [ابن بطوطة،] Travelers' writings, Arabic--14th century