Author: Adkins, Curtis P.

Critical essays on Chinese fiction
Publish_locationHong Kong 香港
PublisherChinese University Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberPL2416.C7 1980
Descriptionxvi, 236 p. ; 24 cm.
NoteCritical essays on Chinese fiction / edited with an introduction by Winston L.Y. Yang and Curtis P. Adkins.
I. T'ang fiction:
Some preliminary remarks on fiction, the classical tradition and society in late ninth-century China / William H. Nienhauser, Jr.-- The hero in T'ang ch'uan-ch'i tales / Curtis P. Adkins.
II. Ming and early Ch'ing fiction:
The literary transformation of historical figures in the San-kuo chih yen-i: a study of the use of the San-kuo chih as a source of the San-kuo chih yen-i / Winston L.Y. Yang -- Lo Kuan-chung and his historical romances / Liu Ts'un-yan -- Maturation and conflicting values: two novelists' portraits of the Chinese hero Ch'in Shu-pao / Robert E. Hegel -- A preliminary appraisal of Li Yü's narrative art / Nathan K. Mao.
III. Ch'ing and modern fiction:
Myth and psyche in Hung-lou meng / Ping-leung Chan -- Syllabicity and the sentence: an inquiry into the narrative style of the Hung-lou meng / Chun-jo Liu -- Novels prohibited in the literary inquisition of Emperor Ch'ien-lung, 1722-1788 / Tai-loi Ma -- The Chinese novel and modern Western historismus / William McNaughton.
SubjectChinese fiction--Tang dynasty, 618-907--History and criticism Chuanqi 傳奇 (Traditional Chinese tales) Luo Guanzhong 羅貫中, 14th cent. Sanguo yanyi 三國演義 Li Yu 李漁, 1611-1680? Cao Xueqin 曹雪芹, ca. 1717-1763. Hongloumeng 紅樓夢 Chinese fiction--Ming dynasty, 1368-1644--History and criticism Chinese fiction--Qing dynasty, 1644-1911--History and criticism
ISBN9622011829 ; 9789622011823