Date | 2021 |
Publish_location | Tübingen |
Publisher | Tübingen University Press |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Edition | 1. Aufl. |
Language | English, Spanish |
Record_type | Book |
Series | RessourcenKulturen ; Bd. 14 |
Shelf | Stacks |
Call Number | F2230.I54 2021 |
Description | 310 pages : color illustrations, maps, portraits ; 31 cm |
Note | Indigenous knowledge as a resource : transmission, reception, and interaction of knowledge between the Americas and Europe, 1492-1800 = El conocimiento indígena como recurso : transmisión, recepción e interacción del conocimiento entre América y Europa, 1492-1800 / Laura Dierksmeier, Fabian Fechner & Kazuhisa Takeda (eds.). Includes bibliographical references Indigenous knowledge as a resource: transmission, reception, and interaction of knowledge between the Americas and Europe, 1492-1800 : truthmakers and contexts of Indigenous knowledge transmission / Laura Dierksmeier and Fabian Fechner -- EI conocimiento indígena como recurso: transmisión, recepción e interacción del conocimiento indígena entre América y Europa, 1492-1800 : los creadores de la verdad y contextos de traasmisión de conocimiento indígena / Laura Dierksmeier y Fabian Fechner -- EI saber médico de los guaraníes y la medicina de los jesuitas : transmisiones y transformaciones / Harald Thun -- On Indio priests, Muslim physicians and Konkani servants : the reception of indigenous medical knowledge in early modern Seville aud Goa / Miriam Lay Brander -- Traces of spoken Nahuatl in colonial texts from the obispado and audiencia de Guadalajara / Rosa H. Yáñez Rosales -- The notion of authorship in selected indigenous chronicles of New Spain / Yukitaka Inoue Okubo -- Conferring a universal scope to Nahua poitical concepts : an aim in the works of Domingo Chimalpahin (early 17th century) / Richard Herzog -- Indigenous knowledge of land use and storage practices of historicaI documents in the Jesuit-Guaraní missions of colonial South America : a comparative analysis of maps and census recoords / Kazuhisa Takeda -- Entre guaraníes, caciques y frailes : eI cabildo de indios del pueblo de ltatí, Rio de la Plata, a fines del siglo XVIII y principios del XIX / Maria Laura Salinas -- Authenticating local information : Indigenous informants at the Amazon and the Spanish/Portuguese boundary commission in 1782 / Irina Saladin -- Painting a universal history of the Aztec world : translation and transformation of indigenous knowledge in the illuminations of the 'Florentine Codex' / Anna Boroffka -- Qeros and the conservation of indigeneity in the Spanish colonial Andes / Christine D. Beaule -- Indigenous knowledge in the Canary Islands? : a case study at the margins of Europe and Africa / A. José Farrujia de la Rosa -- Materialidad y traspaso de saberes : fuentes y empirismo el en "Paraguay natural ilustrado" de José Sánchez Labrador (1717-1798) / Corinna Gramatke -- Concesiones, transformaciones y rechazos del conocimiento indígena en los sermones de Fernando de Avendaño (Perú, Siglo XVII) / Álvaro Ezcurra Rivero -- Knowledge about children, education, and upbringing in Bernardino de Sahagúns Florentine Codex / Susanne Spieker |
Subject | Indians of South America--Influence Indians--Influence America--Relations--Europe Europe--Relations--America |
ISBN | 9783947251438 ; 3947251432 |