Author: Dries, Angelyn

missionary movement in American Catholic history
Publish_locationMaryknoll, NY
PublisherOrbis Books
CollectionRicci Institute [AEC]
SeriesAmerican Society of Missiology series ; no. 26
ShelfAdmin. Office
Call NumberBV2240.N7 D75 1998
Descriptionxviii, 398 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm.
NoteThe missionary movement in American Catholic history / Angelyn Dries.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 357-375) and index.

Contents: Mission in the colonial period, 1492-1775 -- Mission within the United States, 1820-1920 -- Missions overseas, 1820-93 -- The Spanish-American War, the Americanist period, and a national focus for missions overseas, 1898-1919 -- "America's hour" for missions overseas, 1918-35 -- "Light to the darkness": mission to Asia, 1918-53 -- Struggle for world order, 1946-59 -- From "rehabilitation" to "development": Latin America, 1959-71 -- A time for reassessment: liberation theology and the "option for the poor," 1965-80 -- U.S. Catholic mission history: themes and threads, 1850-1980.

From the publisher: "This first general history of American Catholic mission explores not only its institutions but its human and religious aspects as well. It shows how the church in the United States not only sent thousands of men and women overseas but evangelized internally and incorporated millions of immigrants over the course of two centuries. Angelyn Dries offers a thoroughly researched and nuanced view of this history, and its profound influence on the emergence of a distinctive American Catholic identity."
Another copy Gleeson Library.

SubjectCatholic Church--Missions Missions, American--History
ISBN1570751676 ; 9781570751677