Author: Snyder-Reinke, Jeffrey, 1969-

Dry spells : state rainmaking and local governance in late imperial China
Publish_locationCambridge, MA
PublisherHarvard University Asia Center
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Record_typeDigital Book (PDF)
SeriesHarvard East Asian monographs ; 311
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberGN473.6.S69 2009
Descriptiondig.pdf. [xii, 314 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm.]
NoteDry spells : state rainmaking and local governance in late imperial China / Jeffrey Snyder-Reinke.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 283-304) and index.
" Published by the Harvard University Asia Center : Distributed by Harvard University Press, 2009"
Headlines -- A tradition of sorts -- An unruly order -- No sacrifices withheld -- Master Ji's rainmaking method -- The importance of being earnest -- Departures.
In Late Imperial China control of the weather became an integral part of local government. This study looks at rainmaking activities organised or conducted by local officials under the Qing dynasty.--OCLC note.
See Table of Contents.
Local access dig.pdf. [Snyder-Reinke-Dry Spells.pdf]
SubjectLocal government--China--History--Qing dynasty, 1644-1911 Rain-making rites--China--History--19th century Religion and state--China--History--19th century
ISBN9780674033344 ; 0674033345