Author: Luo Jiurong 羅久蓉

Luo Jialun xiansheng wencun buyi 羅家倫先生文存補遺. [Annotated addendum to the complete works of Mr. Lo Chia-luen]
Publish_locationTaibei Shi 台北市
PublisherZhongyang yanjiuyuan jindaishi yanjiusuo 中央研究院近代史研究所
CollectionRicci Institute Library [W8F2]
LanguageChinese 中文
SeriesZhongyang yanjiuyuan jindaishi yanjiusuo shiliao congkan 中央研究院近代史研究所史料叢刊 ; 51
ShelfSilver Room
Call NumberDS777.488.L6 A25 2009
Descriptionxxvii, 724 p. : ill., portrait ; 27 cm.
NoteLuo Jialun xiansheng wencun buyi 羅家倫先生文存補遺 / Luo Jiufang, Luo Jiurong bianji jiaozhu 羅久芳, 羅久蓉編輯校註.
Title in English on p. [4] of cover: Annotated addendum to the complete works of Mr. Lo Chia-luen / edited by Lo Jiu-fong, Lo Jiu-jung.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
"Dedicated to Chia-Yu Wu (伍家宥 1897 - 1983) Chinese Scholar and Legislator of Taiwan 1946 - 1983"
"Donated by Professor and Mrs. F. Y. Wu (伍法岳, 張青芝)"
SubjectChina--Politics and government--20th century Luo Jialun 羅家倫, 1897-1969--Correspondence Luo Jialun 羅家倫, 1897-1969
ISBN9789860218572 ; 9860218579