Author: Bianco, Lucien

Popular movements and secret societies in China, 1840-1950
Publish_locationStanford, CA
PublisherStanford University Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library [ASCC]
ShelfStacks [ASCC]
Call NumberHS310.P6 1972
Descriptionxii, 328 pages ; 24 cm

Popular movements and secret societies in China, 1840-1950 / edited by Jean Chesneaux ; Contributors: Lucien Bianco [and others].
Rev. translation of: Mouvements populaires et sociétés secreÌ€tes en Chine aux XIXe et XXe siècles.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 279-288.) and index.

Secret societies in China's historical evolution / Jean Chesneaux -- Some religious aspects of secret societies / Guillaume Dunstheimer -- The secret societies of Kwangtung, 1800-1856 / Frederic Wakeman, Jr. -- The anti-Manchu propaganda of the Triads, ca. 1800-1860 / Boris Novikov -- Taiping relations with secret societies and with other rebels / C.A. Curwen -- The making of a rebel : Liu Yung-fu and the formation of the Black Flag Army / Ella S. Laffey -- Some notes on the Ko-lao Hui in late Ch'ing China / Charlton M. Lewis -- The Ko-lao Hui and the anti-foreign incidents of 1891 / Guy Puyraimond -- The Hung Hu-tzu of northeast China / Mark Mancall and Georges Jidkoff / Notes on the early role of secret societies in Sun Yat-sen's republican movement / Lilia Borokh -- Triads, salt smugglers, and local uprisings : observations on the social and economic background of the Waichow Revolution of 1911 / Winston Hsieh -- Secret societies, popular movements, and the 1911 revolution / John Lust -- The Red Spears in the late 1920's / Roman Slawinski -- Secret societies and peasant self-defense, 1921-1933 / Lucien Bianco -- The I-kuan Tao Society / Lev Deliusin.

SubjectSecret societies--China--History Triads (Gangs)
ISBN0804707901 ; 9780804707909