Date | 2013 |
Publish_location | Taibei Shi 台北市 |
Publisher | Taipei Ricci Institute 利氏學社 |
Collection | Ricci Institute Library |
Language | Chinese 中文 |
Record_type | Book (Text in Collection) |
Series | Xujiahui cangshulou Ming-Qing Tianzhujiao wenxian xubian 徐家匯藏書樓明清天主教文獻續編 |
Shelf | Hallway Cases |
Call Number | BX1665.A2 X845 2013 v.5 |
Description | v.5, p.1-126, 127-204 : ill. ; 22 cm. |
Note | Renshen tushuo 人身圖說 / Luo Yage 羅雅谷 [Iacomo Rho] In collection: Xujiahui cangshulou Ming-Qing Tianzhujiao wenxian xubian 徐家匯藏書樓明清天主教文獻續編 (第5冊: 12. 人身圖說 (羅雅谷 Iacomo Rho))
Mss. ca. 1637. Adapted from Chinese translation of Ambroise Paré’s work on human anatomy, itself based on Peter Uffenbach Thesaurus chirurgiae, Continens praestantissimorum autorum, Utpote Ambrosii Parei, Parisiensis ...’, Frankfort, 1610. See also: 人身圖說五臟軀殼圖形 / 羅雅谷 Iacomo Rho, in this volume pp.127-204. |
Subject | Anatomy--Early works to 1800--Translations into Chinese Paré, Ambroise, 1510?-1590. Anatomie universelle du corps humain--Translations into Chinese Medical illustration--China--17th century Medical illustration--Early works to 1800--Translations into Chinese |