Author: Tackett, Timothy, 1945-

Cambridge history of Christianity : enlightenment, reawakening, and revolution, 1660-1815
Publish_locationCambridge, Eng.
PublisherCambridge University Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Record_typeDigital Book (PDF)
SeriesCambridge history of Christianity ; v. 7
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBR145.3.C34 2006d v.7
Descriptiondig.pdf. [xiv, 678 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.]
NoteThe Cambridge history of Christianity : enlightenment, reawakening, and revolution, 1660-1815 / editors, Stewart J. Brown and Timothy Tackett.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 603-651) and index.
Dig.pdf. local access [Cambridge history of Christianity 7.pdf]

Continental Catholic Europe / Nigel Aston -- Continental Protestant Europe / Hartmut Lehmann -- Great Britain and Ireland / J.C.D. Clark -- The church in economy and society / Philip T. Hoffman -- Catholic clergy in Europe / Mario Rosa -- Protestant clergies in the European world / Andrew R. Holmes -- Reaching audiences : sermons and oratory in Europe / Joris van Eijnatten -- Christian education / Dominique Julia -- Christianity and gender / Merry Wiesner-Hanks -- Popular religion / Willem Frijhoff -- Jewish-Christian relations / Frances Malino -- Architecture and Christianity / Jean-Michel Leniaud

Christianity and the rise of science, 1660-1815 / Louis Châtellier -- Enlightenment critique of Christianity / Margaret C. Jacob -- Christian Enlightenment / Helena Rosenblatt -- Jansenism and the international suppression of the Jesuits / Dale K. van Kley -- Evangelical awakenings in the North Atlantic world / W.R. Ward -- Toleration and movements of Christian reunion, 1660-1789 / James E. Bradley -- Christianity in Iberian America / James D. Riley -- British and French North America to 1765 / Mark A. Noll -- Christianity in Africa / Lamin Sanneh -- Christianity in south and south-east Asia / Charles J. Borges -- Christianity in East Asia / R.G. Tiedemann -- Christian encounters with other world religions / Andrew C. Ross -- The American Revolution and religion, 1765-1815 / Martin E. Marty -- Christianity and the campaign against slavery and the slave trade / Christopher Leslie Brown -- The French Revolution and religion to 1794 / Timothy Tackett -- The French Revolution and religion, 1795-1815 / Suzanne Desan -- Movements of Christian awakening in revolutionary Europe, 1790-1815 / Stewart J. Brown.

SubjectEnlightenment Church history--Modern period, 1500- Christianity and culture--History
ISBN052181605X ; 9780521816052