Author: Angold, Michael

Cambridge history of Christianity : Eastern Christianity
Publish_locationCambridge, MA
PublisherCambridge University Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Record_typeDigital Book (PDF)
SeriesCambridge history of Christianity ; v. 5
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBR145.3.C34 2006d v.5
Descriptiondig.pdf. [xx, 722 p. : ill., maps ; 24 cm.]
NoteThe Cambridge history of Christianity : Eastern Christianity / edited by Michael Angold.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 600-678) and index.
Dig.pdf. local access [Cambridge history of Christianity 5.pdf]

The ecumenical patriarchate. Byzantine Commonwealth 1000-1500 / Jonathan Shepard -- Byzantium and the west 1204-1453 / Michael Angold -- Culture of lay piety in medieval Byzantium 1054-1453 / Sharon E.J. Gerstel and Alice-Mary Talbot -- Rise of hesychasm / Dirk Krausmüller -- Art and liturgy in the later Byzantine Empire / Nancy P. Ševčenko -- Mount Athos and the Ottomans c.1350-1550 / Elizabeth A. Zachariadou -- Great Church in captivity 1453-1586 / Elizabeth A. Zachariadou -- Orthodoxy and the west: Reformation to Enlightenment / Paschalis M. Kitromilides -- Bars'kyj and the Orthodox community / Alexander Grishin -- Legacy of the French Revolution: Orthodoxy and nationalism / Paschalis M. Kitromilides -- The Russian church. Russian piety and Orthodox culture 1380-1589 / Stella Rock -- Art and liturgy in Russia: Rublev and his successors / Lindsey Hughes -- Eastern Orthodoxy in Russia and Ukraine in the age of the Counter-Reformation / Robert O. Crummey -- Russian Orthodox Church in imperial Russia 1721-1917 / Simon Dixon -- Russian piety and culture from Peter the Great to 1917 / Chris Chulos.

Eastern Christianities. Eastern Christianities (eleventh to fourteenth century): Copts, Melkites, Nestorians and Jacobites / Françoise Micheau -- Armenians in the era of the crusades 1050-1350 / S. Peter Cowe -- Church and diaspora: the case of the Armenians / S. Peter Cowe -- Church and nation: the Ethiopian Orthodox Täwahedo Church (from the thirteenth to the twentieth century) / Donald Crummey -- Coptic Christianity in modern Egypt / Anthony O'Mahony -- Syriac Christianity in the modern Middle East / Anthony O'Mahony -- IV. The modern world. Diaspora problems of the Russian emigration / Sergei Hackel -- Orthodox Church and communism / Michael Bourdeaux and Alexandru Popescu -- Modern spirituality and the Orthodox Church / John Binns.

This volume brings together the Orthodox Churches - the ecumenical partriarchate of Constantinople and the Russian, Armenian, Ethiopian, Egyptian and Syrian Churches. It follows their fortunes from the late Middle Ages until modern times - exactly the period when their history has been most neglected.

SubjectOrthodox Eastern Church--History Eastern churches--History
Seriesfoo 108
ISBN9780521811132 ; 0521811139