Author: Mitchell, Margaret Mary, 1956-

Cambridge history of Christianity : Origins to Constantine
Publish_locationCambridge, Eng.
PublisherCambridge University Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Record_typeDigital Book (PDF)
SeriesCambridge history of Christianity ; v. 1
ShelfDigital Archives
Call NumberBR145.3.C34 2006d v.1
Descriptiondig.pdf. [xlv, 740 p. : ill., maps ; 24 cm.]
NoteOrigins to Constantine / edited by Margaret M. Mitchell and Frances M. Young ; assistant editor, K. Scott Bowie.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 590-682) and index.
Dig.pdf. [Cambridge history of Christianity 1.pdf]

Galilee and Judaea in the first century / Sean Freyne -- The Jewish diaspora / Tessa Rajak -- The Roman empire / Hans-Josef Klauck -- Jewish Christianity / Joel Marcus -- Gentile Christianity / Margaret M. Mitchell -- Johannine Christianity / Harold W. Attridge -- Social and ecclesial life of the earliest Christians / Wayne A. Meeks -- The emergence of the written record / Margaret M. Mitchell -- Marcion and the 'canon' / Harry Y. Gamble -- Self-definition vis-à-vis the Jewish matrix / Judith Lieu -- Self-definition vis-à-vis the Graeco-Roman world / A.J. Droge -- Self-differentiation among Christian groups : the Gnostics and their opponents / David Brakke -- Truth and tradition : Irenaeus / Denis Minns -- The self-defining praxis of the developing ecclēsia / Carolyn Osiek -- From Jerusalem to the ends of the earth / Margaret M. Mitchell -- Overview : the geographical spread of Christianity / Frank Trombley -- Asia Minor and Achaea / Christine Trevett -- Egypt / Birger A. Pearson -- Syria and Mesopotamia / Susan Ashbrook Harvey -- Gaul / John Behr -- North Africa / Maureen A. Tilley -- Rome / Markus Vinzent -- Institutions in the pre-Constantinian ecclēsia / Stuart George Hall -- Monotheism and creation / Gerhard May -- Monotheism and Christology / Frances M. Young -- Ecclesiology forged in the wake of persecution / Stuart George Hall -- Towards a Christian paideia / Frances M. Young -- Persecutions : genesis and legacy / W.H.C. Frend -- Church and state up to c.300 CE / Adolf Martin Ritter -- Constantine and the 'peace of the church' / Averil Cameron -- The first Council of Nicaea / Mark Edwards -- Towards a Christian material culture / Robin M. Jensen.

SubjectChurch history--Primitive and early church, ca. 30-600
ISBN0521812399 ; 9780521812399