Author: Huebsch, Alfhild Lamm, b. 1887

My life as an explorer. [Mein Leben als Entdecker. English]
Publish_locationGarden City, NY
PublisherGarden City Publishing Co.
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberDS8.M965 H325 1925
Descriptionxi, 544 p. : ill., ports., maps ; 25 cm.
NoteMy life as an explorer / Sven Hedin ; illustrated by the author ; translated by Alfhild Huebsch.
Translation of: Mein Leben als Entdecker.
Includes index.
SubjectAsia--Discovery and exploration Asia--Description and travel Hedin, Sven Anders, 1865-1952--Travel Explorers--Sweden--Biography