Author: Ho, Franklin L. [He Lian] 何廉, 1895-1975

Lessons from Asia
PublisherAmerican Academy of Political and Social Science
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Record_typeBook (Conference Proceedings)
SeriesAnnals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science ; v. 276
Call NumberDS35.L377 P288 1951
Descriptionvii, 197 p. ; 24 cm.
NoteLessons from Asia / edited by Ernest Minor Patterson.
Includes bibliographical references and index.

Contents: Economic rampart of freedom / Emilio Abello -- The Land problem of China / Franklin L. Ho -- Incentives for economic development in Asia / Alfred Bonné -- Behind the Asian news / N. G. D. Joardar -- Social tensions in the Middle East / Emil Lengyel -- Social tensions on India / Gardner Murphy -- Lessons from Korea / Thomas H. D. Mahoney -- National liberation and social progress in Asia / Juliusz Katz-Suchy -- Our Asian policy / Adolf A. Berle, Jr. -- The Middle East and Turkey in world affairs / Nuri Eren -- The Blind alley of totalitarianism / Harold R. Isaacs -- Soviet policy and the revolution in Asia / Philip E. Mosely -- Communism and the peasants / David Mitrany -- The Anglo-American partnership / Lawrence Hunt -- Inter-American solidarity and the Asian crisis / James S. Carson -- Asian mentality and United States foreign policy / F. S. C. Northrop -- How Asians view the United States / Vera Micheles Dean.

SubjectUnited States--Foreign relations--Asia Asia--Politics and government