Author: Mehnert, Klaus, 1906-1984

Communist China and the Soviet bloc
PublisherAmerican Academy of Political and Social Science
CollectionRicci Institute Library
Record_typeBook (Conference Proceedings)
SeriesAnnals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science ; v. 349
Call NumberDS777.55.C766 Z247 1963
Descriptionx, 251 p. ; 24 cm.
NoteCommunist China and the Soviet bloc / special editor of this volume, Donald S. Zagoria.
Includes bibliographical references and index.

Contents: The Chinese and the Russians / Klaus Mehnert -- The persistence of tradition in Chinese foreign policy / Mark Mancall -- The Chinese images of Russia / T. A. Hsia -- Sino-Soviet relations: The question of authority / Benjamin Schwartz -- Economic policy and political power in Communist China / Franz Schurmann -- Centralization versus decentralization in mainland China and the Soviet Union / Dwight H. Perkins -- Sino-Soviet military relations / Raymond L. Garthoff -- Sino-Soviet economic relations, 1959-1962 / Oleg Hoeffding -- Factors of unity and factors of conflict / Richard Lowenthal -- The emergence of an Asian Communist bloc / A. M. Halpern -- Russia, China, and the underdeveloped areas / Harry G. Gelman -- European Communism and the Sino-Soviet schism / William E. Griffth -- Russia and China view the United States / Alexander Dallin -- Some recent developments in socialization theory and research / William H. Sewell.

SubjectChina--Foreign relations--Communist countries Communist countries--Politics and government
Portuguese reach the Pacific
Publish_locationShanghai 上海
PublisherMarco Polo
CollectionRouleau Archives
ShelfFile Cabinet A
Call NumberDS498.7.M445 1945
Description20 p. : map ; 26.5 cm.
NoteThe Portuguese reach the Pacific / Klaus Mehnert.
Estratto da Il Marco Polo, anno IV, numero 12, Scianhai. Ottobre A.XX.
"The article is a chapter from a book on the history of the Pacific which the author has been working on for the past few years while teaching history at the University of Hawaii ..." [p.20].
SubjectPortugal--Relations--China Portugal--History--Period of discoveries, 1385-1580 Portuguese--Asia--History Trade routes--Asia--History