Author: Yü Shih Yü [Yu Shiyu] 于式玉, 1904-1969

Riben qikan sanshibazhong Zhong-Dongfangxue lunwen pianmu 日本期刊三十八種中東方學論文篇目. A bibliography of orientological contributions in thirty-eight Japanese periodicals with, with indices
Publish_locationBeiping 北平
PublisherHafo Yanjing xueshe 哈佛燕京學社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese, Japanese
SeriesYinde 引得. Tekan 特刊 ; 06
Call NumberZ3001.R521 Y874 1933
Description5, xxx, 343 p. ; 27 cm.
NoteRiben qikan sanshiba zhong Zhongdongfangxue lunwen pianmu 日本期刊三十八種中東方學論文篇目 : Fu 附: Yinde 引得 = A bibliography of orientological contributions in thirty-eight Japanese periodicals with, with indices / Yü Shih Yü 于式玉 ; Yinde bianzuanchu jiaoding 引得編纂處校訂.
"本編所收日本期刊表": p. xiii-xv.
SubjectJapan--Periodicals--Indexes Asia--Indexes Japanese periodicals--Indexes
Yibaiqishiwuzhong Riben qikan zhong dongfangxue lunwen pianmu 一百七十五種日本期刊中東方學論文篇目
Publish_locationBeiping 北平
PublisherHafo Yanjing xueshe 哈佛燕京學社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageChinese, Japanese
SeriesYinde 引得. Tekan 特刊 ; 13
Call NumberZ3001.Y521 Y874 1940
Description6, xliv, 198, 131, 125, [48] p. ; 27 cm.
NoteYibaiqishiwuzhong Riben qikan zhong dongfangxue lunwen pianmu 一百七十五種日本期刊中東方學論文篇目 : Fu 附: Yinde 引得 = A bibliography of Orientological contributions in one hundred and seventy-five Japanese periodicals, with indices / Yü Shih Yü, Liu Hsüan Min 于式玉, 劉選民 ; Yinde bianzuanchu jiaoding 引得編纂處校訂.
"本編所收日本期刊表": p. v-xxxii.
Title: A bibliography of Orientological contributions in one hundred and seventy-five Japanese periodicals, with indices.
SubjectAsia--Indexes Japanese periodicals--Indexes