Author: Xu Mengxin 徐夢莘, 1126-1207

San Chao beimeng huibian 三朝北盟彙編
Publish_locationTaibei 臺北
PublisherWenhai chubanshe 文海出版社
CollectionBibl. Sinensis Soc. Iesu
LanguageChinese 中文
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberDS751.H69 1962
Description4 v. ; 20 cm
NoteSan Chao beimeng huibian 三朝北盟彙編 [250卷] fu jiaokan ji 附校刊記 [3卷] / Xu Mengxin zhuan 徐夢莘撰.
Facsimile reproduction of Guangxu 光緖 4 [1878]刻本.
Each page representes 2 leaves of the original. Reprint: Minguo 民國51 [1962].
"Sanchao beimeng huibian 三朝北盟彙編 (Collection of documents on the treaties with the north during three reigns)This is an important source for the Song's relations with Jin during the years 1101-60 (the three reigns of the title)" -- Cf. Wilkinson, Chinese history, a manual, p. 846.
SubjectChina--History--Song dynasty, 960-1279 China--History--Jin dynasty, 1125-1234