Author: Huang Hongxian 黃洪憲, 1541-1600

Xingli biaoti jielan 性理標題捷覽. [Jap-Sin II, 87]
LanguageChinese 中文
Record_typeBook (stitch-bound 線裝本)
Description6 juan.
NoteJapSin II, 87
Xingli biaoti jielan 性理標題捷覽.
Compiled by Huang Hongxian 黃洪憲 (1541–1600).
Six juan, bamboo paper with a paper case. No date of publication. Published by the Xiuge 繡閣.
The cover bears a Latin inscription: “Sin li piao ti; id est Summa libri Sim-li, seu de natura et ratione. Sex tomi.”
A table of contents is given at the beginning of each juan. On folio 1 of each juan the title of the book is given with the place of publication: 繡閣精訂性理標題捷覽, the number of the juan, the name of the author: 檇李葵陽黃洪憲纂, and those of the collators (Wu Hongji, Wu Simu, and Ma Xianglin): 古臨安柏持吳弘基靜腑吳思穆白生馬翔麟. The title of the book is given in the middle of each folio with the number of the juan, the title of the chapter, the number of the folio and the place of the publication: 繡閣.
Each half folio contains nine columns; the main text contains twenty-six characters to each column and the annotations twenty-five. Headings are given on the top margin.

The book is an abridgement of the Xingli daquan shu 性理大全書 (cf. Jap-Sin II, 89), with illustrations here and there. According to the Siku tiyao reviewers, the Xingli daquan shu is not systematic enough and the passages selected lack coherence. This book appears to be worse than the Xingli da quanshu and the annotations seem to have been compiled for students who prepare to sit for the government examinations. Hence the book is of no use for those who look for scholarship (SKTY 3:1925).
The author of this book, Huang Hongxian, was a native of Xiushui 秀水 (Zhejiang). He obtained his jinshi degree in 1571 (Longqing 5). Later he was appointed Junior Supervisor of Instruction 少詹事 and was sent as special envoy to Korea. His literary talent was appreciated and he was well treated by the Grand Secretary Zhang Juzheng 張居正 (1525–1582). After Zhang’s death his enemies accused him of having had treasonable plans. Huang came out in his defense. Seeing that he was unable to agree with his colleagues, he retired to his homeland. He wrote several books, among which were Chaoxian’guo ji 朝鮮國紀, Yutang richao 玉堂日鈔, and Bi Shan xueshi ji 碧山學士集; see MJCC 2:654. Cf. JMTTT, p. 1237.2; DMB 2:1420; Wang 1983, p. 642.

Source: Albert Chan, S.J., Chinese Books and Documents in the Jesuit Archives in Rome, pp. 398-399.
