Author: Sodbilig Shirnuud [Sude Bilige 蘇德畢力格]

Zhunge'er Qi Zhasake yamen dang'an Jidu zongjiao shiliao 准格爾旗扎薩克衙門檔案基督宗教史料
Publish_locationGuilin 桂林
PublisherGuangxi shifan daxue chubanshe 廣西師范大學出版社
CollectionRicci Institute Library
LanguageMongolian, Chinese
SeriesZhongguo Jidu zongjiao shiliao congkan 中國基督宗教史料叢刊 = Narratives from the Hinterlands
Call NumberBV3420.M7 A2 2011
Description13, 102, 540 p. ; 26.6 cm.

Zhunge'er Qi Zhasake yamen dang'an Jidu zongjiao shiliao 准格爾旗扎薩克衙門檔案基督宗教史料 / Nei Menggu daxue Mengguxue yanjiu zhongxin 內蒙古大學蒙古學研究中心 ; Nei Menggu Zizhiqu dang'anguan 內蒙古自治區檔案館 ; Zhunge’er Qi dang'anju hebian 准格爾旗檔案局合編. Sude Bilige zhubian 蘇德畢力格主編.
Includes bibliographical references.
Documents in Mongolian, with Chinese explanations and English introduction. Documents chiefly date from the Guangxu and Xuantong periods.
Appendix: Mongol/Manchu-Chinese-Western names of CICM missionaries.
Series: Zhongguo Jidujiao shiliao congkan 中國基督教史料叢刊 = Narratives from the Hinterland / Wu Xiaoxin zhubian 吳小新主編.

2 sets in stacks.

SubjectCatholic Church--Mongolia--Clergy Mongolia--Church history Jungar Qi 准格尔旗--History--Sources Jungar Qi 准格尔旗--History--18th-19th centuries--Archival resources Catholic Church--Missions--Mongolia--History--Sources