Author: Kaltenmark, Max

Lao Tzu and Taoism. [Lao tseu et le taoïsme. English]
Publish_locationStanford, CA
PublisherStanford University Press
CollectionRicci Institute Library [D6]
ShelfReading Room
Call NumberBL1930.K313 1969
Descriptionvi, 158 p. ; 23 cm.
NoteLao Tzu and Taoism / Max Kaltenbach ; translated from the French by Roger Greaves.
Originally published under the title: Lao tseu et le taoïsme, Paris, 1965.
Bibliography: p. [151]-152.
Lao Tzu -- Teaching -- Holy man -- Chuang Tzu -- Taoist religion.
"Deals with two incompatible and incongruous Chinese doctrines: philosophical Taoism, and magico-religious Taoism, sometimes indiscriminately known in the West under the term Taoism. Some practices remind one of the Hindu Yoga."--OCLC rec. note.
SubjectZhuangzi 莊子. Nanhuajing 南華經 Daoism--Religious aspects Laozi 老子. Daodejing 道德經 Philosophy, Daoist